Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26, 2010

I can just see the end of the world around the corner.

First that Icelandic volcano will spew out so much ash in the air that it will completely block the sun. The end result will be colder weather and eventually changing the entire environment. Global warming will stop and a new ice age will begin.

OK, maybe for us skiers it might not be such a bad deal but there will be other bad things coming.

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will not be stopped and it will spread around the globe. The end result will be that all sea life will die. Due to the oil coating in the oceans all marine transport will cease to exist.

There will be no food, no industry and what's even worse is that I won't be able to get spare parts for my car.

So what all this means, the end of the world is just around the corner.

Those Mayas were no dummies when they indicated that the world will end in 2012. They probably already knew about BP, the oil and the Eyjafjallajokull volcano. I'm sure they also knew the names already.

I wouldn't be surprised to see that when they drill down in that oil hole in the Gulf they would come out in the Icelandic volcano. Instead the China Syndrome this would be known as the Icelandic Syndrome.

It's a funny yet scary world we live in.

Yesterday they awarded the 2014 Super Bowl to New York. What good will it do when the world will end in 2012? On that note I would award the Olympics, the World Series and the World Cup to New York since there will be nobody around to see it.

I would even give New York the French Open.

1 comment:

  1. The sun came out today.

    The oil leak stopped..........the stock market is way up...........I have my sixth, yes, 6 th grand baby in the oven ready to come out in late wife is working to support my gambling losses........I made szekely gulyas yesterday.

