Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30, 2009

Nothing really interesting happened today. It was a quiet day. Actually it was so quiet even the Stock Market fell down. The Dow Jones fell today 250 points.

Pretty disgusting! Yesterday it goes up 200 points and the economy is looking rosy and everything is hunky-dory. Today, forget the whole thing! It fell 250 points, the economy is in shambles, consumer confidence evaporated.

It is amazing how things, comments and outlooks can change from day to day.

This Monday morning quarterbacking is taking enormous proportions. Economists are great explaining why happened whatever happened.

What about predicting CORRECTLY what's going to happen!

There is no difference between economists and TV weather forecasters. Neither have a clue about what's going on. And both are doing a fantastic job explaining what did happen.

From where I see things and that is the View From the Bottom things are not improving at all. Maybe the politicians see it differently because they deal only with statistics and, their only interest is self adulation. But, there are real people behind every statistic and nobody seem to care about us the real people.

I did say it was a slow day. Nothing really happened. I can't think of anything to write about.

Oh, I am considering changing the name of this blog to "If You Not the Lead Dog the View Never Changes".

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