Sunday, October 19, 2014

Wiener Schnitzel

Religion is a very funny thing. I mean funny in the way it drives people to their believes.

Today there was an article on the Internet that was supposed to be from New York Magazine where a Hasidim, ultra orthodox woman changed her life and as a start ate a hamburger.

She waited for lightning to strike or the earth opening up and swallowing her. Naturally, neither happened.

But this reminded me to a similar real life story witnessed by me.

My Wife and I were in a Hungarian restaurant where at the table next to us sat a woman with her son. They had to be from Israel because both of them were reading Hebrew newspapers.

Anyway she ordered wiener schnitzel. Now the original wiener schnitzel supposed to be breaded veal cutlet but since the price of veal is high many restaurants substitute the veal with pork. And this restaurant trying not to be outdone did the same.

She started eating and after about the third or fourth bite called over the waitress and inquired if the meat was veal or pork.

She was told that it was pork. Well, she started to make a big thing about by saying that the menu didn't say that. Actually the menu only said breaded cutlet in a form of explanation after Wiener Schnitzel. But she kept on and on.

After she turned over to us, I guess after seeing my nose she realized that we might be from the same tribe, and kept saying what is going to happen to her now that she ate pork.

I enlightened her that she ate the pork at least five minutes ago and if lightening didn't strike her until now she was probably all right.

I didn't know if this information did any good but at least it shut her up, because I really got sick of her complaining and whining. I also told her that I was sure she inadvertently did eat pork already in her life so don't make such a big deal out of this.

People can be so sanctimonious its disgusting.

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