Friday, October 17, 2014


As the title says today is Thursday and that means it is cleaning day. For years Thursday was the day we cleaned house and I am keeping that tradition.

There is absolutely no reason why it is on Thursday except that maybe it is the middle of the week but it will do for the time being. Actually Thursday is not cast in stone it can be Wednesday or no day, depending on my plans.

But since my social calendar is pretty empty Thursday will suffice.

Actually, I don't mind doing my chores. It is a good feeling to be in a clean environment, not that I am rolling in dirt but clean is good.

And another thing. Cleaning house is absolutely not a feminine thing. Yesterday I went to the gym for a little workout but today's "workout" was a lot harder and more intense. Right now that I am finished every bone in my body hurt. Even bones I didn't know I had hurt.

So house cleaning is a good exercise and as such can be considered a macho thing. At least in my book.

I try to do the work as honestly as possible knowing if I don't do it there is (unfortunately) nobody else who will pick up the pieces. But at the end I am pretty satisfied. Until next week!

I am here alone. The windows are shut, no people come and go yet, it is unbelievable how much dirt accumulates in a week. There is dust on the furniture and on the floor. Does that mean there is dust in the air, too? Because if there is then I must be breathing all that in.

Since I am so good at this thing maybe I'll rent myself out as a cleaning nonlady?

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