Monday, October 20, 2014

Tight Pants

This is about food now. You have to understand that at this stage of my life food is one of the very few bright spots remaining. This does not mean that eating takes up most of my time but thinking about good food is permissible and not fattening.

Actually a few days ago I had a very dramatic encounter. I was trying to put on a pair of jeans and could not. I could nor believe that the pants did not fit me, was not able to close them at the waist. It shook me up so much that I immediately decided to go on an even stronger diet that I am on already.

This was unusual for me because generally all my clothing fit me season after season since I try to maintain my size. But now this changed and that is not very good. The trouble is that it is extremely easy to put weight on but very, very difficult to shed them.

I go to the gym, I check what I eat, try to stay away from junkie but tasty stuff yet, the weight still comes on.

For me the most difficult thing is to resist temptation when I go to the supermarket. Everything look good, everything is waiting for me to buy them. But I when I hear my Wife's voice "do you really need that stuff" I just keep on walking down the aisles.

I know I mentioned it before that I have very good friend whom I know for at least fifty years. I eat at her house twice a week. She cooks very good and tries not to overfeed me. On Saturdays after our supermarket adventures we usually go out to a restaurant where again I do not overstuff myself. Rest of the week I eat at home.

She usually makes food for me to take home or I prepare something for myself but everything is done sensibly mainly because I don't know how to cook and I don't want complications. But I eat my veggies and eat fruits. Meaning that I am trying to stay healthy.

When I was away in the Caribbean this Summer I did eat well, yet no weight was gained. Very likely because of the physical activities a beachside vacation entails in. Also I had to pull my stomach in all the time since I was with a very attractive young lady. Now that Summer is over and the season of hibernation starting things are changing.

One of the problems is that every time I feel like eating something that I should not I find an excuse for why is it OK at this particular time.

Next year I plan to go to Budapest. Now that will involve heavy duty eating there, I hope! I will have to start a real diet before otherwise I will not fit into the seat on the plane on the way back.

I was in Budapest in 2000 with my cousin and that was a two week eating orgy. Morning, noon and night and in between pastry shop stops. Interestingly I didn't gain an ounce, and believe me that's official. My Wife weighted me at leaving and at arriving. And the reason for not getting fat was that we walked enormous distances every single day in the city.

Hopefully that's what we will be doing again because than we can eat with clear conscience.

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