Friday, May 7, 2010

May 7, 2010

Today is May 7. It is a quiet day after yesterday's stock market screw up. But today is a major anniversary that is not widely noted and I am sure no American is aware of.

In 1945 on this day the War in Europe was over. The Germans signed their unconditional surrender and effectively ending the war there.

Since the Soviets came in from the east the war was gradually ending for the countries east of Germany but until the Allies met up in Berlin fighting was still going on.

I think this is a major anniversary but today nobody remembers and what is even worse, nobody cares.

In Moscow they celebrate this day every year with a military parade. The day is called Victory Day. But here, nothing.


Sunday is Mother's Day in the US.

The definition of Mother's Day is to honor mothers and motherhood.

It is great that everybody will honor their mothers on this coming Sunday. One damn day a year!

What about the other 364 days the year has? On those days people just ignore their mothers?

First of all, where would we be without our mothers? We are here on this earth because they gave birth to us. They suffered with us for nine months and then the real suffering begun.

They raised us, they cleaned up after us, they worried about us and they chastised us when needed. All what they did was for our benefits. At the time we complained, we cursed (quietly) and thought we have the worst mother in the world.

But time justified all their actions because everything they did was out of love and to make sure we have a better life.

There is something, maybe an extra gene, that makes mothers worry. They worry about us all the time. No matter how old we are. We could be mature grown ups but if we are lucky enough to have a mother around we remain her children forever.

My Mother smacked me in the mouth for something I said once, and I was forty years old.

It is understandable that mothers grow closer to their children. Fathers go off to work and leave the mothers home to raise their child. This creates an unbreakable bond that lasts for a lifetime.

The biggest heartache a person can have is that his or her parents were not appreciated while there was a chance, while they were alive.

Regrets can eat a hole in the pit of one's stomach for things not done. All our lives we take our parents for granted but when they are not around anymore it is too late to be sorry for what we missed.

Love is an emotion that is not always shown. Americans are not huggy, kissy people, Europeans are.

I'm not ashamed to kiss my cousins (men) when I see them. There is nothing wrong expressing love such a way. What is wrong though is not expressing love at all. To hold it back because it is not proper or it shows weakness is totally wrong and regretful.

It doesn't mean Europeans are more loving it only means they just show it more. But it is nice to kiss one's Mom and there is nothing wrong to kiss one's Dad either.

I can not begin to tell how sorry I am now that when I had my chances to be with my parents I didn't. I was at the age when it was not cool to be seen with one's parents. I rather went with my friends than being with my parents.

I remember once I went to a movie theater with a girl and I met my parents in the lobby. It was an accident because they were not the kind who would have followed me there.

I coolly introduced them and went our separate ways. I was probably a little embarrassed for meeting my parents because I believed at the time that cool people have no visible parents.

I also remember that I always forgot Mother's Day. But my Mother never chastised me for it. Quietly accepted that I was a bum. But still loved me!

I believe that it is all of our solemn duty to respect our mothers every day of every year while they are among us and even after as long as we are among the living, and not just on Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Very well expressed about parents and children. I have taken the risky step to forward it to my "kids".
