Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010

This is the day after Mother's Day. It is over. All the mothers can be put back in the drawers and start collecting dust. They can go back being the forgotten members of the family until duty calls again.

Mother's Day is one of the most commercial days of the year. Hallmark is salivating at the upcoming card sales, all the fruit stores display up-priced flowers for those last minute sales.

Restaurants and diners filled up with families honoring their mothers. The saddest sight is when there is a large family sitting around a table with the guest of honor, the poor mother, sitting at the head of the table.

She is all gussied up and smiling. The problem is that nobody is talking to her, nobody is paying any attention to her. They are too busy socializing amongst themselves. The poor lady would much rather be back in her home or at the nursing home than put on this display.

Then at the end they have the gall to ask her if she had a good time. Well, they all had to clear their conscience.


Today the stock market closed up 404.71 points. This was a reversal of a very dismal performance of the previous week. This updraft didn't correct the previous week's losses but it made things look a little bit better.

All weekend long economists were trying to justify what happened and why. It is amazing what good 20/20 hindsight they have. Now they suddenly see -again- that elusive end of the economic tunnel we are in.

I keep saying this is one of the best jobs to have, right after weather forecaster and relationship expert. Come to think of it pro golfer isn't too bad either.


Today, Jet Blue advertised that they are selling $10 fares for travels tomorrow and Wednesday within the US only. Tickets had to be bought today and used in the next two days.

Their reasoning was that it was their tenth anniversary. This was a great publicity stunt. The trouble was that it was impossible to get through and purchase anything. I tried just for the heck of it and no matter what I tried there was nothing available.

So, what's the point?

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