Here we were the smart ass students, the leaders of the future, starting to work on a construction. First of all we had absolutely no interest in actual work. That created some animosity between us and the rest of the workers who were there working for a living.
Naturally, they assigned us to the most demeaning tasks possible. But at the end of the day and at the end of our tour we did manage to have fun.
Anyway, here I am trying to do the work of a bricklayer with real tools. After the second or third day on the job I managed to hit my right thumb with a hammer so hard that I was out of commission for the rest of the period.
During my convalescence I went to visit my friends several times and tried to show how I felt sorry for them.
One day the foreman asked me exactly how I hit my thumb. When I explained he questioned how come I hit the right thumb and not the left. I told him I was left handed. His reply was no wonder I hit my finger.
The actual truth is that I am not left handed but I can use both hands with tools, but I write only with my right hand.
I used to have a classmate who was ambidextrous. He was able to write with both hands with equal ease.
At times we had to write on blackboard in class. More than once we ran out of space and had trouble finishing our work at the edge of the blackboard. He just smiled, changed the chalk from his right hand to the left and deftly finished his assignment.
He was really ambidextrous.
Actually the definition of ambidextrous is that the person is equally familiar using his right hand as well as his left hand.
The way I see it that person does not feel the difference between right and left. That is what a so called independent politician is today.
Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut is a typical example of that. He has been a senator for several years in the colors of the Democratic party. However in 2006 he lost the Democratic primary and decided to enter the race as an Independent. As such he did win.
In 2008 he supported Senator McCain for his presidential bid even though McCain was a Republican.
This man is a perfect example of political ambidextrousness. Cannot tell right from left. I would say these people lack any real convictions. They so badly want to be in the place of authority that they are willing to sell their souls to the devil and give up beliefs, if ever had any.
A perfect example of the cart leading the horse.
Last year on October 21 I wrote that they were repaving the road front of our building. It was a major job that must have cost the City tens of thousands of dollars.
Now, seven months later they are breaking it up because they decided to lay some pipes under the roadway. They have been working here for about a week with a lot of equipment and a lot of noise.
It's good to know that ours is not a forgotten neighborhood. But enough is enough. Couldn't they plan to do this before the new pavement was installed?
I know the current economical situation needs more employment but this doesn't grab me that it has anything to do with the economy. This looks like just plain bad planning.
I can not understand that when the City interviews new hires they seem to ask so much knowledge, but the people currently working there are so unqualified it is unbelievable. They can not plan, they lack technical expertise, they are unqualified and there is also a language barrier.
I remember years ago I was assigned to a City project and the City agency sent out an inspector to oversee my work. The poor slob didn't speak English and communicating with him was impossible. But, he was the client and I had to be nice to him. It was a joke!
How these people get in to these positions?
A perfect example of the cart leading the horse.
Last year on October 21 I wrote that they were repaving the road front of our building. It was a major job that must have cost the City tens of thousands of dollars.
Now, seven months later they are breaking it up because they decided to lay some pipes under the roadway. They have been working here for about a week with a lot of equipment and a lot of noise.
It's good to know that ours is not a forgotten neighborhood. But enough is enough. Couldn't they plan to do this before the new pavement was installed?
I know the current economical situation needs more employment but this doesn't grab me that it has anything to do with the economy. This looks like just plain bad planning.
I can not understand that when the City interviews new hires they seem to ask so much knowledge, but the people currently working there are so unqualified it is unbelievable. They can not plan, they lack technical expertise, they are unqualified and there is also a language barrier.
I remember years ago I was assigned to a City project and the City agency sent out an inspector to oversee my work. The poor slob didn't speak English and communicating with him was impossible. But, he was the client and I had to be nice to him. It was a joke!
How these people get in to these positions?
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