Sunday, March 6, 2016


Just to expand a little on yesterday's events as far as Abigail's high school selection went she told us that there were kids who were not selected to any school. Now, since high school education is mandatory everything is not lost. Those kids have a second round chance to submit more schools and wait where they will be accepted.

Kids who found out that they were not accepted anywhere were naturally shocked and many of them were crying. She said there were tissues everywhere on the floors from all the crying.

When she came home her telephone didn't stop ringing. All her friends were calling trying to find out who and where were accepted. It was very interesting for me to watch the entire process.

I remember that when I went to high school in Budapest it was one particular school that I wanted to go. Actually, it was my parents' decision that I would go there. I don't think I had much input into that process. But I do remember that my parents used all the influence they had to assure my admission. Fortunately they succeeded. I think in those days parental influence counted a lot. It was not money but it was mainly who knew whom.

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