Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Just a little politicking, again.

I have been living in this country long enough and have seen many elections but there is something I still don't understand.

Why should I as a "normal" voter should care which candidate the New York Times or any other organization or politician endorsed? The TV is full of super intelligent people voicing their comments on the chances of the candidates.

It seems that everybody thinks that the average voter is stupid or backward and have no idea what to do without guidance. The average voter has to be led to the voting booth and has to be shown how to vote. But there is a little controversy here. New York Times readers are usually a slice above the average. So, why they need to be told who to vote for?

Aren't they smart enough to make up their own mind? Does the paper think that their opinion or decision will be blindly followed? If so, then those souls should not read the New York Times.

That's about all I had to say tonight.

By the way, this is what we had for dinner last night.

Hungarian goulash (soup)
Roast chicken with bacon
Bean salad
French salad
Roasted potatoes


Fruit torte
Jewish Napoleon

A small slice each. This very important.

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