Saturday, February 7, 2015


I am sitting front of the computer starting to write this article when I just fell asleep. I realized that I was drooling and that woke me. But the nap was good and now I am totally refreshed for whatever the day will bring.

Actually it is early afternoon, about 2 pm. This morning I took the little girl to school and when I returned my G.F. was waiting for me with such a scrumptious breakfast that after that I just wanted to crawl back to bed and continue sleeping. But that was not to happen.

Mid morning I took my car back to the dealership because I had to have the Blue Tooth installed or connected or whatever. It was done and now I can take or make call from the car without using my cell phone which is a ticketable offense in New York.

I am so going with the times that I even surprise myself.

Because of the crappy weather in this and past week my car is so dirty that it is unbelievable. But I like it. To me that stuff looks like a macho achievement. I don't think I'll have the car washed until May. I know that the minute it gets washed there will be another storm. It happened like that every time in the past.

There is a Russian/Jewish fruit stand not far from where I live. They have good stuff with really good prices. A lot better than in the supermarkets. So I went in there on my way back home and bought a few peaches and a fairly large bag of roasted peanuts.

Peanuts is my weakness. This place has them by the pound in different varieties. Roasted salted, roasted unsalted or just plain raw. I can not go into this store without buying myself a bag of these. Well, today was no different. I bought a pound of roasted and unsalted type and while I am writing this I am munching on it.

It is soooo good!

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