Friday, December 12, 2014


Today I had a good day. Thanks to me I live in a very clean environment. And that is because I clean house like a maniac. I am terrified of the fact that if I miss a week the place will be overrun by dust, dirt, bugs and who know what else. Maybe I just got used to living in a clean and orderly place.

I found that it is a lot easier to keep a place neat than let it go for a long(er) time and put things in order then. And that is why Thursday is my home day. That is the day I spend putting my home in order. The good feeling is at the end when I look around and see that everything is spic and span.

If I drop some food on the floor I can pick it up with the knowledge that the floor is clean, all right.

Anyway, by 1:30 pm I was done with the housework and started sitting on my laurels. But then I realized that I should be working on my godforsaken computer. So, I did.

And I am proud to say that some of the remaining problems I did solve. Not all of them but some of them. Still have a few outstanding mysteries to eliminate but I am confident in myself that eventually I will accidentally push a button that will straighten out all the remaining things. The problem remaining is that once I push a button and something works I will not remember what I did so if anything like that happen again I will have to start from scratch.

But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

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