Sunday, July 13, 2014


The mysteries of life and the universe never seize to amaze me. Things happen that have no logical explanation and we just have to watch them with awe. And, get used to them as well.

Here is one for the books.

A week ago, Saturday we went to the supermarket for our weekly shopping. I don't like to go to the stores during the week because it takes a lot of time and refrigerators were invented for the purpose of storing food. The whole world knows that with the exception of a few older and very traditional people who still believe that shopping should be done daily.

I on the other hand always, during my first and second marriages, did the weekly shopping.

Anyway, we like to go to this nice and pleasant supermarket where the prices are good, they always have everything and the fruits and vegetables are as fresh as can be in the supermarket world.

It is important to know that I love peaches. It is their season now and they are in abundance and the prices are good, too. Last week I bought nice, large and juicy peaches. I think they were New Jersey peaches.

Today they had the Jersey peaches again as well as another type. I got ready to select my pieces when I noticed that every one of them was very-very hard. Actually, too hard for even to leave them outside. They were hard enough to use them for bowling balls!

Now here is the mystery. What happened with last week's merchandise? Why the sudden change from pleasant to unedible?

Aside from the lack of good peaches it was a very good day. We did some shopping, did some chores and then went out to eat to a nice Italian restaurant. I am not a great fan of Italian kitchen but once in a while it feels good and today was one of those days. Yet, I am glad I'm not Italian because I couldn't eat it every day.

Now, Hungarian food that's a whole different story!

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