Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7, 2010

Today is the birthday of my Friend. I wrote with a capital F because I think so much of him. He is a very nice person, very pleasant and easy to be with.

My only regret is that fate placed him far away from me and I have very little chance to see him. He lives about 150 miles from me and I feel really guilty that I make such a big thing driving there.

I admit that I don't think again driving that distance twice the same day when I go skiing, but I also admit that skiing is more fun! I'm just joking. I really love this guy and if all works out fine we will see one another in about three weeks.

He is singlehandedly responsible for me being in this country. But I won't hold him responsible for it as a matter of fact I am glad he talked me into it.

Anyway, today is his birthday. He caught up with me.

Actually he is and always be 58 days younger than I. This way he can always look up to me as his elder. By the time he was born I was on my merry way in this beautiful world of ours. My life experiences outweigh his because of my more advanced age.

I will always be ready to offer him advice on life's fickle behavior.

Anyway, on this day I wish him good health, good fortune and all the other good things life has to offer.


Today was a gorgeous day. Not a cloud in the sky and the temperature shot up to about 59 degrees. We went out and the first time my wife and I both had only jackets on. And it was very pleasant.

It was funny with 59 degrees to see the mounds of snow in parking lots and other places, and to think back that last week at this time we were up to our kazoo in snow.

We usually eat out for lunch several days a week. Nothing fancy just some diner staples. My wife and I both happen to like diners. We know two places where they already know us and this way everybody is nice(er) to us.

Diners in the New York area provide humongogantic portions. But that is not the reason we go there. The reason is that they can prepare any food any way you want it. And sometimes we do ask for peculiar combinations.

Diners in this area are predominantly Greek owned and have sizable Greek selections on their menus. But they serve primarily American food. And their prices are good, too.

So, we had lunch, actually a late lunch at three o'clock in one of our favorite diners. After checking the menu and thinking what to eat that's not too fattening I noticed that the Early Bird menu was on already.

Here is what I had: cup of matzoh ball soup (very good and tasty); roasted calf's liver with onions, vegetables and a sweet potato; desert which was rice pudding with whipped cream and a diet Coke. And the whole thing was only $12.95.

The liver was great. I happened to love calf's liver not only because it is very healthy (not for the calf) but also because I just like it. I think my Mother used to make it but I'm not sure.

My wife ate well, too. She likes vegetable omlettes a lot so that's what she had with coffee. And that was also good.

Eating our lunch so late will result in no dinner except some snacks which is OK with us.

Anyway there is nothing worthwhile on the telly tonight because of the Academy Awards and that falls into the nothing worthwhile category too.


  1. Queens must be a lot cheaper than Manhattan.

  2. Oh, Yes

    I was 73 yesterday and I am proud of it.
    I never would have dreamed that my body can last this long.
    Good whises like yours keep me going, like the BUNNY, just keep on ticking.

    And yes I am looking forward to see you and eat real food. I like to eat all kinds of food, that is my main problem, but there is nothing like Hungarian food well prepared. Can't forget the pastries either. Maybe we stop at the butcher. Szalona and hurka sounds just right. Of course we will bring them home on the bus. The aroma will permiate the whole bus, too bad.
