Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30, 2010

It's been raining cats and dogs second day in a row. And they say spring is beautiful!

The only light at the end of the tunnel is that from Thursday on they are forecasting beautiful warm weather.

I trust the weatherman about as much as I trust the politicians! They both say what we want to hear.

But I really feel sorry for the people whose homes are being flooded out, now the second or third time within a few weeks.

I can't imagine living in an area where flooding is a regular or annual occurrence.

It is unimaginable that in today's technology in the middle of a major state they can not regulate the streams and rivers. Maybe they can they just don't want to.

The way the politicians are looking at something like this is that as far as they are concerned nobody of importance is living there so why spend the money.

For a few weeks they will go to these places, look very concerned, promise the moon and then nothing. On to the next issue. Do things that are self serving and not people serving.

Today was another day when I was really grateful I didn't have to go to work. There was nothing I hated more than go to work in the pouring rain.

I have a subway station about a block from where we live. But that one block was always enough to get pretty much soaked and then spend the day in wet, wrinkled clothes and wet shoes.

Now, I don't have this problem. I looked out the window and saw those people going with their umbrellas that didn't offer any protection and was glad I could stay home.

They say the rain is good for the fields, but I'm not a farmer and I really don't care about the fields. I live in the city and I know that food grows in the supermarkets.

1 comment:

  1. Some visitors to N Y are considering asking for a refund, or compensation for the inclement weather they had recently. It was disgusting. What climate! Let me tell Mayor Bloomberg or whoever might be responsible, the much mailgned climate of England is a dman sight better!
