Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 17, 2009

Today is Saturday. The first day of the weekend. So, I'll be a little shorter because the weekend is supposed to be for resting and relaxation.

Actually, I am retired. I really can not tell apart the weekend from weekdays. The nice thing about the weekdays is that there are a lot less people and no kids everywhere I turn.

Just a little addition to what I wrote yesterday.

Do political candidates really believe that advertising will influence people's votes? The View From the Bottom is that it is a shame for all that money to be wasted. It could be used to a lot of better things than trying to buy people's votes.

What is the real difference between the votes in Afghanistan and here? Absolutely nothing! There they falsify the results of the votes while here they buy people's votes. And this is the democratic way?

Will my vote will be affected because the New York Times, the Star Ledger, the Daily News or any other media, organization or politician is supporting a particular candidate? Absolutely not! Candidates are supported by entities simply for their own benefits (profit). I will vote for whoever I think is right for me and me alone. And no one will influence me on how to make my own decisions.

And if I do not want to vote because they all are cheats, liars and crooks then I won't vote.


Today I drove on the Grand Central Parkway and the Northern State Parkway out to Long Island. I am very happy to see that the NYPD and the New York Sate Police lifted the speed limits and designated these roads as drag racing territories.

That is the only explanation I can find for what is going on there. In the 55mph are if you drive 62-65mph speed they push you off the road. It is bad enough that people drive too fast but in addition to that they pass you on the right without any warning with two three cars at a time. They zig-zag between the lanes and drive at a frightening speed. And at these times one never sees a police car!

I used to drive on the New Jersey Turnpike a lot and I used to see three-four police cars across the Turnpike pacing traffic at 55mph. Nobody had the guts to pass them.
It is also interesting that I can drive on the Northern State Parkway from end to end and never see a police cruiser in either direction. No wonder that these drivers become so brazen.

The same goes for the LIE. The unofficial speed limit is 70mph. And they push you off the road in Suffolk County if you don't drive faster even though the police is out on that road.

I guess they don't want to keep the Hampton crowd from getting to their Island retreats fast enough.

Just a short note about weather forecasting.

I wish I could have had such a nice job as a weather forecaster. If I had made as many a bad predictions in my professional career as a weather forecaster makes in a week I would have never lasted as long as I did.

For three days now they were talking about a storm, a Nor'easter. Well, nothing happened here. So, it snowed in Sullivan County. Big deal! As far as I know that's not New York City, at least not yet.

This is the phoniest job in the world, just after financial adviser. Both are without any responsibility.

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