Saturday, October 31, 2009
October 31, 2009
Boy, it was a lifetime ago. So much happened in that time that I can not believe it. Both personally as well as politically and financially.
The trouble with living too long is that people disappear from around you, businesses close, and there are just too many changes.
In 1961 we purchase our first TV, and it was color. There was an episode in The Honeymooners show where Jackie Gleason bought his first TV and stayed up, or tried to, all night watching movies. Well we did the same thing. For days we went to work looking and feeling like zombies.
Now, 58 years later we bought our first HD television and we are just flabbergasted. Not really staying up all night but enjoying immensely the 40" screen.
In 1957, a month after arriving, I got a job through my uncle at some kind of a clothing company. Didn't speak a word of English except o.k. There was someone at the shop who was able to help and translate for me. Then, I think on the second week that I was there I was asked to stay and work late. At least I think that was what I was asked to do. I said o.k. and at five o'clock went home. At the end of that week I was let go. At least I think that's what happened!
Now, 52 years later I am unemployed again. In early 2007 I was asked by the company I worked for for 40 years to retire. At least I think that's what happened!
In the past 52 years I was a dishwasher, I sold vacuum cleaners, worked on constructions and eventually settled down with the same company for the remaining 40 years. I worked for that company for such a long time that it changed ownership five times. Working for a company for a long time eventually becomes a liability.
The first five, ten, fifteen years one feels safe. But after 20 years you are on thin ice. I consider myself lucky to be able to stick it out to 40 years.
Now, I am an unemployed retiree.
Next time I will write about the "joys" of retirement.
Friday, October 30, 2009
October 30, 2009
Pretty disgusting! Yesterday it goes up 200 points and the economy is looking rosy and everything is hunky-dory. Today, forget the whole thing! It fell 250 points, the economy is in shambles, consumer confidence evaporated.
It is amazing how things, comments and outlooks can change from day to day.
This Monday morning quarterbacking is taking enormous proportions. Economists are great explaining why happened whatever happened.
What about predicting CORRECTLY what's going to happen!
There is no difference between economists and TV weather forecasters. Neither have a clue about what's going on. And both are doing a fantastic job explaining what did happen.
From where I see things and that is the View From the Bottom things are not improving at all. Maybe the politicians see it differently because they deal only with statistics and, their only interest is self adulation. But, there are real people behind every statistic and nobody seem to care about us the real people.
I did say it was a slow day. Nothing really happened. I can't think of anything to write about.
Oh, I am considering changing the name of this blog to "If You Not the Lead Dog the View Never Changes".
Thursday, October 29, 2009
October 29, 2009
Yesterday the Dow Jones Industrial Average went down about 139 points. Today it went up about 199 points.
What I can't understand is that Today and late Yesterday all the financial commentators were busy saying how bad the economy was. They were talking about the bad indicators that were creating Yesterday's drop.
After they were sure the market indicator was moving and staying up high they were saying how improved the economy was and how bright the future looked.
I have never saw an economy change so much in a matter of hours. I can understand the fluctuations of the market. It is powered by rumors, corporate announcements, mergers, buys and sells.
But don't assume every one is an idiot. Leave the economy out of it. Yesterday's bad economy will not change suddenly and become today's bright future.
It seems whenever somebody like Federal Reserve Chairman, Treasury Secretary or the President say something the market reacts. I wish they would keep their mouth shut.
Don't play with my life's investments.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
October 28, 2009
Actually, at the time I'm writing this they already played their game. And not very successfully. They lost to Philadelphia 5:0. That is a pretty poor result for a team that prides itself to be the best in the country.
Maybe the highest paid but not the best. At least not yet. I really don't care about baseball one way or another but being a New Yorker I do root for the New York team. I wouldn't spend a dime to go to the Stadium and watch them play and pay for overpriced refreshments and I really don't even watch them on TV.
I am not interested seeing oversized kids scratching their scrotum, chew gum or tobacco and spit always on camera. And for this they are getting paid millions of dollars. To me the game is too long and boring. A good baseball game could be played in two maximum three hours. But being controlled by Television advertisers they drag it out to impossible lengths.
When I came to this country and I was introduced to baseball I was told this was one of the most honest sport. Due to the fact that the pitcher of one team throws the ball to the player at bat who is from the opposing team cheating is almost impossible.
Well, that myth was shattered by the drug and hormone scandals of recent years. Most of the home run records were established by players of questionable talent without the reinforcement of drugs. This took such magnitude that congressional committee was investigating the situations.
Maybe Philadelphia won today because they have less playboys on their roster than the Yankees. Maybe they feel they have to prove themselves on the playing field and not off it on Page Six.
The Yankees' strength does not lie in the team but in Streinbrenner's fanatical collection of the supposedly best players in the world, even if for obscene amounts of money.
It is a joke to call this the World Series. It has nothing to do with the world. It has been proven over and over again that American baseball has no standing in the international sport scene. In the Olympic Games, in World Championships the Americans were beaten by small countries were they take the sport more seriously.
Maybe if the salaries of the players were cut in half it would act as a stimulus for better play. As it is now why should they bother. They would still get their 20-30 millions no matter how they play.
That's my View From the Bottom.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
October 27, 2009
I arrived in this country over a half a century ago. I landed in New York from Europe after a flight that seemed it would never end. JFK International Airport didn't exist at that time, it was a lot smaller and it was called Idlewild Airport.
Anyway, we landed and after checking out we were transported by bus to Brooklyn to our temporary lodgings.
Coming from Eastern Europe we weren't very familiar with Americans and their customs. As the bus was rolling through the streets of Queens and Brooklyn we were plastered to the windows looking out and trying to spot ordinary people.
You can not imagine our amazement at seeing people on the streets with children who were dressed in all kinds of costumes: princesses, devils, warriors, space men etc. We looked at each other questioning: is this the way American kids dress?
We only found out later that it was Halloween and what really Halloween was.
After a half a century of living here I still can not get used to the extremes everybody and mainly the media go about Halloween.
It is nice and understandable for kids - small kids - to go out and Trick or Treat. But for adults to get involved is not right.
I live in a large apartment house. Years ago parents came around with their kids. They rang the doorbell and proudly looked on as we opened the door and admired the kids' costumes and gave them candy. The sad thing was that the same parents next day didn't even bother to say hello when we met.
Actually, kids were going around the neighborhood from door to door ringing bells. It didn't matter that we had no clue who they were and where they lived. They just came.
It is a children's holiday. They should enjoy it. Grown ups shouldn't get involved. I have no problem having little kids coming around but when teenagers bang on the doors I see red.
So, being very democratic about this we don't open the door for anyone.
Just like Christmas and Easter this is being commercialized and thus it looses its appeal and charm.
Last night we saw Castle on CBS Channel 2. This is a very entertaining show that we enjoy watching. Except last night it was an idiotic Halloween themed storyline. It showed exactly what's wrong with this holiday. Adults take over something that is none of their business. Why can they not leave it for the children to enjoy it?
Why adults need any excuse to party more and make complete fools of themselves?
Monday, October 26, 2009
October 26, 2009
Actually it is not voices that I hear but more like noises. But, I do hear them around the clock. I even hear them while I sleep. And, it is quite annoying. I shut my ears and I still hear them. Actually the noise comes from inside my head.
It is a constant 'shshshshshs' sound and at this time it is only in my left ear.
I have been hearing it for about a year now and it annoyed the heck out of me. Finally, I went to a well recommended ear specialist who checked me out from top to bottom, actually only from ear to ear. Gave me a hearing test which I passed with flying colors. Not very high flying but still flying!
He told me that I have Tinnitus which is caused by a degenerative cochlea.
"Tinnitus is the perception of sound within the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound."
What the hell is cochlea that is causing this?, I asked politely and scared. I never had anything that was degenerative so this was something new and scary to me.
It seems that the cochlea is the auditory portion of the inner ear, whatever that means. It is essential to the clear hearing.
According to the doctor it can degenerate due to age. I guess, I am at the age when my parts start to degenerate. I wonder which part of me will be next!
The doctor wasn't to disturbed about this which is understandable since he is not yet degenerating!
He suggested that I take a vitamin supplement that is specially prepared to cure Tinnitus. I took his advice and bought about four month's supply.
The bad news is that I took the entire regimen and so far no change. The noises are still there the Tinnitus Formula didn't do a damn thing except made the doctor and the Tinnitus Formula people richer.
I am totally disappointed in the ear department of the medical profession.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
October 25, 2009
I think Grandparents are the most wonderful things in the world. I was lucky enough to know and got very close to my Grandmother and Grandfather from my Mother's side. They were very lovely and loving people.
When I was very young I always had the impression that my Grandmother was old, real old. But she could cook. Man, she could cook. She used to come over to our house and was giving recipes to my Mother and they were great. I know my friends don't fall into the same age category. I don't know how their Grandchildren see them but to me they are all too young to be Grandparents.
Now, this was the European way and they were in the Old Country.
Here in the US the institution of Grandparents is a completely different thing.
I have several friends who are Grandparents (some of them are even Great Grandparents, God bless their young hearts).
I know most of these people for a lifetime. I was there when their children were born and "suffered" with them through the growing years. I know how the parents behaved throughout their children growing up and maturing.
That is why I am so surprised at their change of behaviour towards their Grandchildren. These people go ga-ga when anybody talk about the Grand kids. They drive impossible distances to be with them, they jump through hoops to entertain them, they get up early, they stay up late. They watch Walt Disney or anything similar mind stopping if the kids want them to. The way I see it they got soft behind the ear.
But this is very lovely.
Actually, I don't understand it but I am sure there is a logical explanation behind this syndrome.
I think what it is that now they only have to deal with the pleasant side of the child. When things get out of control the child gets to be handed back to the parent. Hey, mom and dad here is your kid, he is your problem now!
The Grandparents don't have to change the diaper, don't have to worry about bad marks in school, don't have to worry about the cost of education and in some cases don't have to raise bail money.
So, they only see the fun side of the Grandchild.
That's the way life should be!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
October 24, 2009
Why in the world Malawi?
Can she not find any place closer to home with enough misery where she might be able to help? Or she is not clear about where her home is?
Why these super rich "stars" go out of their way to help other countries rather than help here in the good old USA?
Oprah is doing the same thing. Spends a fortune building some girls school in South Africa where it turns out the teachers are raping the students. And she is financing it.
Maybe these people don't think there are people in need in this country.
What about the families that lose their homes from over their head because the factory they worked all their life closed or went out of business. What about all the children that go hungry because the parents have no money left for food after they paid the mortgage or the inflated rents.
I guess they feel that the people of Malawi need the help more than our own
people here in our own country.
Maybe helping other countries gives them the warm fuzzies not even mentioning the publicity while helping in your own backyard is not that exciting.
I don't care what anybody says but the View From the Bottom is that this is terribly wrong.
Maybe little isolationism wouldn't hurt us. Fix the fence in our own backyard before we start fixing other people's lawns.
Friday, October 23, 2009
October 23, 2009
The TV is working, our laptop computer is working and our notebook computer is working. What a beautiful life we are living.
But life wasn't always this smooth.
Today we (I) messed up the TV controls. I spent a half an hour on the phone with a technician who gingerly walked me through use of the remote control. I told him I was new at this thing so he had to be patient with me. But at the end everything worked.
With the laptop we had some problem a while back. I spent one and a half hour on the phone with an IT technician who was stationed somewhere in India. After we got through the language barrier things were going pretty smoothly. Granted, I didn't understand half the technical terminology he was using but we crossed that bridge, also.
The most fascinating thing was when he took over control and worked on my computer from India, like he was sitting here front of it. This kind of service was already done on my computer in the office when I worked. But that was on a network so it didn't surprise me when IT took over the controls.
Technology amazes me everyday. What is interesting is that you call a helpline and someone from Bombay answers, acts like he is next door and eventually fixes whatever needs fixing.
I tell you one thing, they are very polite. I found them more polite than if they were in this country.
This outsourcing goes into all kinds of funny territories. There is a foreign airline I used to fly with. In their directory they show an office in downtown Manhattan. They also have an 800 toll free number for service. I called them several times. When I called them the first time and I was talking to the young lady I assumed she was in New York. Well, it turned out they were in Liverpool, England and she was the "USA-New York desk".
This world of ours is getting smaller by leaps and bounds.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
October 22, 2009
Today the cable guy was here and installed the new cable box, set up the TV and made all the necessary adjustments that he thought were necessary. He was a very nice, friendly and helpful person. Explained a lot of things that probably a four year old would know but not to clear to us oldies.
Anyway, now we are in the hi-tech age. The TV works wonderfully.
This afternoon we happened to find the movie South Pacific on the TNT network and started to watch it. My wife and I both saw the movie before but we decided to see it again.
What a beautiful story! No one took off their clothes, nobody got pregnant, no sex, no strong language, no cursing. And it was still entertaining, now isn't that interesting?
It is a shame they can not make movies like that today. The closest one was Mamma Mia and because of the stupid movie going public it was not a great success. Otherwise, nothing but idiotic comedies that are not funny, horror movies that are not horrory and fiction that is more stupid than fiction.
And at the top of it those so called star performers get seven figure salaries for their so called acting.
I could probably count the real actors (actresses) on one hand, the rest are all garbage.
Today there was a lot of talk on the news of the executive compensation. As far as I know, everybody including executives are being paid to perform a certain job. The higher level one's job is the more money he makes. An executive of a finance related company supposed to do very important work while a dishwasher not so.
See what happens if they serve the food on dirty dishes at the restaurant. The dishwasher gets minimum wages and maybe a free meal. If he screws up he gets fired.
The high priced executive screws up and as a result the world economy collapses, he gets a bonus.
Why is it so important to hang on to someone who's work creates economic calamity. I would let him go to hell. Let him, or them be unemployed like the poor slob, our dishwasher.
My question is why such a person try to do good work when he knows that no matter what he does he gets rewarded.
They should get kicked out on their asses and become TV weathermen because that's another job where they have no clue about what's going on and they don't take any responsibility for whatever happens.
I got to go and enjoy my new TV.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
October 21, 2009
I would have loved to wear shorts but my wife said I would be arrested if I show my skinny legs. So, I bit the bullet and, put on slacks, and shoes with socks. People don't realize how much I hate to dress up. When I worked and that was was for several decades, I always dressed up. Shirt and tie with a suit. Every day of the work week. Now, I would be perfectly happy to live the rest of my life in swimming trunks and shorts.
I have about 30 dress shirts in my linen closet that I can't wear now that I am retired. So someone smart suggested why don't I wear them during the week with jeans. Not a bad idea.
Our Chinese laundry started to celebrate last week. Until now our weekly laundry pack was pitifully small. Last week I brought down an additional three shirts. I'll tell the lady owner she can start making expansion plans because from now on there will be extra three shirts every week.
Who says the economy is bad?
It is frustrating because they are making a lot more out of this than necessary.
It is frustrating because I am convinced, being an engineer, that road maintenance crews are one of the most overstaffed crews in the business. These people are walking around, looking important and not doing much.
Now that the road is almost done I have to admit that the completed work is anything but good!
The funny thing is that there was nothing wrong with the road before the resurfacing. As a matter of fact it was better before than it is now. Somebody must have made a nice contribution to Borough Hall to have this work done.
I guess this was stimulus money.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
October 20, 2009
Yesterday we purchased a new HD LCD television with a stand. At the time of the purchase we were told that it was very easy to assemble the stand and putting together the TV would take only 15 minutes.
Well, let me tell you. I spent the better part of the evening assembling the stand. Had to take it apart at least three times because I realized it was put together incorrectly. Now, everything is done the damn thing is standing. I'm ready to put the glass shelves on it. It turned out one of the pre-drilled things was off a little. Put the whole thing askew. I had to improvise in order to make sure the glass shelf will not crack.
This irks me a lot. It happened before when we bought something from the Bombay Furniture Store and some of the pre-drilled holes didn't match. How difficult can be to prepare the pieces so they would match?
Setting up the TV is another story. The manual never applies to exactly what it should apply to. I worked on it for hours trying to program it with no success. I programmed it and we are now seeing stations that never knew existed. Now we are waiting for the cable guy to come out and fix it.
Let you know how things turned out.
Monday, October 19, 2009
October 19, 2009
Anybody who says that there is no discrimination in this country is living in la-la land. There is discrimination right at my doorsteps.
I came to this country from Eastern Europe a long time ago. I lived through the the Second World War and the Holocaust. I am Jewish. During the War we lived in an apartment building where Christians ans Jews lived together until we were taken to the ghetto. While we lived in our original apartment building I had to wear a yellow Star of David to let everybody know that I was the Jewish kid.
Well, I live in an apartment house in New York that turned coop years ago. At that time we had the common sense not buying into it. So, nowadays I meet people in the building who are not aware of our status and they always put forward the question "are you a renter?"
As renters we are obviously second class citizens in the building. We are not told what is happening, we have to beg for necessary repairs and the entity that owns our apartment can not wait for us to die so they could sell it for a good prize. Oh, we are also rent stabilized which means our rent is lower than market and the increases are controlled by the City of New York.
So, 65 years after Wold War II and in a New World I am again faced with discrimination. And there is nothing anyone can do about it.
Here is another one.
Age discrimination is rampant and nothing can be done to prevent it. People are losing their jobs left and right because of their age. Companies, mainly large ones are so tricky in doing this that people are not even aware of it when it is happening.
Example: some professional people lost their jobs after decades of service and received severance pays. However, before the severance pay was processed they were required to sign a "Separation Agreement" in which they promised not to sue the company for the termination. Only after signing this document did they receive their severance pays.
Naturally, companies want to free themselves from the burden of high priced senior employees and hire young ones for half the price. This is the two for one syndrome.
Companies are not supposed to reject any prospective employee because of age. Then why are we not listing our date of birth on our resumes? Because the minute an interviewer sees an older person the interview for all practical purposes is over. The resume will wind up in the waste paper basket. And there is nothing or anything anybody can do about it.
Nice world we live in.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
October 18, 2009
Why is everything about children and not about adults? Both junior and senior adults.
I am aware of the fact that children are the future of the world but what about the present occupants of the world.
Why do I have to put up with obnoxious kids wherever I go? On the streets, in shopping centers, on the beach, on vacation and everywhere one turns.
No matter what they do we have to smile and say "that's OK, they are children". And look at the faces of their equally idiotic parents as the beam proudly at their kids' doings.
And God forbid a parent would raise a hand at their child! Some bleeding heart liberal would immediately report them to the authorities for child abuse. There is child abuse and there is proper and disciplined upbringing. The two are not the same.
My parents never hit me in anger. Yes, my mother disciplined me if I did something stupid. She smacked me in the mouth when I was 40 years old because I said something improper. And I didn't turn out to be any worse because of it. None of us "old timers", our parents or grandparents turned out too bad because of being disciplined.
When I was growing up it was unheard of for a kid to get a hissyfit because the parents would enter his or her room without knocking, or the parents did not keep the kids informed about everything that was going on in their lives.
I am not against children. We need them. They represent our love for one another, and they are our future.
But the world does not revolve around them.
We, adults are here now and, we made the world to what it is today. Good and bad and, we are taking responsibility for it.
We should be able to enjoy the fruits of our work without always making allowances for children.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
October 17, 2009
Actually, I am retired. I really can not tell apart the weekend from weekdays. The nice thing about the weekdays is that there are a lot less people and no kids everywhere I turn.
Just a little addition to what I wrote yesterday.
Do political candidates really believe that advertising will influence people's votes? The View From the Bottom is that it is a shame for all that money to be wasted. It could be used to a lot of better things than trying to buy people's votes.
What is the real difference between the votes in Afghanistan and here? Absolutely nothing! There they falsify the results of the votes while here they buy people's votes. And this is the democratic way?
Will my vote will be affected because the New York Times, the Star Ledger, the Daily News or any other media, organization or politician is supporting a particular candidate? Absolutely not! Candidates are supported by entities simply for their own benefits (profit). I will vote for whoever I think is right for me and me alone. And no one will influence me on how to make my own decisions.
And if I do not want to vote because they all are cheats, liars and crooks then I won't vote.
Friday, October 16, 2009
October 16, 2009
The hysteria is from the side of the media. It is unbelievable how gullible the media is. In their frantic race to be the first with anything "earth shattering" they will go to any length to broadcast, print or announce events without checking if they are true or not.
This family in Colorado is pulling a fast one and the entire country goes nuts. Then they put the family on TV this morning and interview them.
Is there nothing more important going on in this country than this? The family and the media should be ashamed of themselves for publicizing this prank and waisting the time of serious law enforcement people. In my opinion they should be made to pay for all the time that was spent on searching for this kid.
How come that a poor slob like him is sentenced to jail and all the crooked politicians get away with it.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
October 15, 2009
It's like you don't want to go out of the house because it's just not worth it.
Watching television or listening to the radio you can not help but notice all these hospital and medicine advertisements.
I don't know how other people are with this thing but I do have a doctor. Whatever he prescribes I'll take. I will not go to him with the name of a prescription just because I saw it on television and, suggest he prescribes it to me. And I am absolutely convinced he will not prescribe it just because he saw it on television.
The same goes for the hospital ads. I always thought that doctors are affiliated with certain hospitals. Hospitals are not Macy's that you just walk in because you like their ads. Doctors send people to hospitals.
I know there is a lot of ad money in this but to whom these advertisements are aimed at? Because as far as I am, Average Joe, concerned it is a total waste of time and good money.
As long as we are talking about medical things, here is a thought. Doctors are sworn to heal the sick. At least that is what good old Hippocrates was hoping for. However, today's doctors are also sworn to milk Medicare and the insurance companies. It is mind boggling how smart they are when it comes to billing for their services.
For example: a certain procedure is billed for $850. The insurance company approves $280 and pays 80% of it which is $224. The doctor accepts it and bills the patient for the remaining $56 and everybody is happy. Why the doctor didn't bill $280 right at the beginning. Because he was hoping to get more out of the insurance company.
I was always amazed at that in addition to the latest medical innovations, the doctors are up on all the latest insurance gimmicks. I am sure the AMA is conducting workshops on how to get the most out of all the coverages. No wonder the doctors are against the proposed health plan and are terrified at the thought of socialized medicine. They don't want to lose their cushy lifestyles, their Mercedeses, their country clubs etc.
I think doctors drive this train. If they wouldn't be so greedy, hospitals would be less expensive and the price of medicines and everything health related would go down also.
This where the solution to the health plan should start. The culture of the medical profession must change before anything else can change.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
October 14, 2009
Question: why the show needs a British announcer who announces the dances in a British way? I thought this was an American show.
It is obvious that the so called celebrities who appear on the show are either unemployed or hard pressed for money. Otherwise why would a self respecting person expose himself or herself to such ridicule.
Watching the show I find myself embarrassed by Len Goodman's comments. Doesn't he realise that these are not professional dancers? Couldn't the producers find a more pleasant person to place in the judges' seat?
This past Monday they danced the bolero. That was a very hard and mostly unknown dance. Not even saying it was not entertaining.
We only watch Monday nights because can not find anything else on TV. Tuesday's Result Show is a definite "no, thank you".
Speaking of television. The general programming is so lame that I am surprised that these TV executives still have jobs. Are they totally blind, don't they see how boring some of the programs are?
We were watching the Good Wife last night. It is slow, boring and perfect to put us to sleep. I wonder how long before it will be history.
A really great show is Castle. It is quick, entertaining and funny. The same goes for NCIS. Unfortunately the same can not be said for its spin off NCIS: Los Angeles. That show is confusing and nowhere near as entertaining as NCIS.
It is a shame that when there is a good show the producers decide to over complicate it to such an extent that they are the only ones who understand what is going on. Like Lost or Ugly Betty. I hope the days of these shows are numbered and the networks will have the common sense to take them out of programming.
I could go on and on about the idiotic shows that are on this season but I am sure everybody is aware of those.
Today the Dow went over 10,000. It is good, I think. We all made a little money. It will correct some of the losses we all suffered in this economic tsunami.
It will also "justify" the bonuses all those yuppie "talents" will be getting. Why these people should care about us, everyday investors when no matter how they perform they are rewarded with million dollar bonuses (from our tax money).
No one is irreplaceable! And, no one is worth that kind of money. Certainly not the financial people who brought this country to the edge of total economic ruin.
I saw the US Air pilot Sully on the Early Show this morning. He wrote a book and I guess that is why he was on TV.
Hats off to Sully. Thanks to him 150 people are alive today who wouldn't be if it was not for his experience and calm handling of a critical situation.
There is always a but.
I think he is milking the situation to his own benefit. And in my opinion that is not very professional. But that is the American Way.
That's it for Today.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I know there are millions of blogs such as this one but writing down and voicing my opinion and observation will make me feel better. I will try to stay away from serious politics but if something will irk me I'll comment on it. I know I will not change history and I won't want to but I may air my opinion.
I am an Average Joe. I think I see life the way it actually is and not the way the media wants us to see it. I'll make my own decisions on what TV programs to watch, what movie to see, what kind of car to drive, what to eat, where to go on vacation, smoke or not to smoke and whom to vote for.
I might be controversial at times but hey, this my blog!
I don't want to write too much about myself because I am not the issue. Only that I am a retired professional, happily married and living in the Northeast.