Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Today is Monday and I or rather we did have a very busy day (for a change). First we lingered horizontally until about ten in the morning. Once we decided to start the day it commenced with taking Abigail to her friends for a day with the girls.

After that we started our still ongoing hunt for wedding and other nice dresses. During the day we visited four department stores where my fiancé was able to find three dresses in each that she liked. I told her to buy whichever she liked and we would return the ones she didn't want.

The final result for today is one dress bought and two earlier bought ones returned.

Tomorrow the hunt goes on with possible more purchases and definitely some returns.

I really have no problem going to department stores and I was also told that I do have the patience of a lamb. Maybe tomorrow I will burst, but I don't think so.

Today was extremely hot. At one point the car's thermometer showed 102 Fahrenheit and that is very hot.

Our air conditioners are going full time trying to make our existence easier. I love the fact that Con Edison, the local power company is asking people to reduce the use of air conditioners and that way save energy.

When are we supposed to use our a/cs, in the winter? If we reduce their use what's the point having them? Maybe the power company should increase production to compensate for the demand.

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