Thursday, May 14, 2015


Today is Wednesday, the day is almost over and I or rather we had a very nice day. The morning was very brisk bordering on the cool side. I spent the morning doing a lot of not much. But around noon we started off to New Jersey.

It was a pleasant drive, didn't take long. Actually we only went to the Crematorium which is not a great distance away. After the visit we took a leisurely drive back.

At Edgewater we stopped at the waterfront and walked around the banks of the Hudson River. The view from the Jersey side is fantastic. Looking at Manhattan in that angle is nice. We saw wild ducks and wild geese and they all are very friendly.

After the stroll at the river we went into a Japanese supermarket. I was extremely interesting because with the exceptions of a few American staple they really only sell stuff from Japan. It was a good thing that the stuff is labelled in two languages otherwise we wouldn't know what we buy because we did buy some things.

There were a couple of interesting things we did notice. One, that the entire establishment was spic and span clean. The other was that there were several eating establishment located inside the supermarket.

These places had their menus practically modelled and displayed and they all looked very appetizing. We decided to have lunch there and the selection was not easy. But we eventually chose what we wanted to eat and the food was really good. The seating area was clean so we did have a good time.

Oh, and it was pretty inexpensive.

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