Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Eureka! said good old Archie Medes when he made his now famous bathtub discovery.

Eureka says good old me on the discovery that I know how to use Skype! Yesterday, after several tries I finally managed to get Skype under my control.

As the result of it I was able to spend over an hour and a half on it talking to good friends. The highlight of my use was when I got quickly connected to Australia and was able to converse with my dear friends whom I have not seen for many, many years and yesterday it was like they were here with me in my living room.

The picture quality was good, the sound was even better so over all we both had a great time.

Ain't technology great?

Something else.

Today, that I am writing this is Tuesday. I went into Manhattan because I had a doctor's appointment. I took the subway because the area I went to is not parking friendly. The subway trip was very pleasant mainly because I don't have to pay full price. I travel as a senior and that is half price. So, I get what I pay for. But really, it was good.

The doctor is a dermatologist and she gave me an overall checkup. She criticized my skin saying that my love of the sun really is not doing much good to my skin. I accepted that criticism and promised that I'll be more careful in the future. She also took two biopsies from my hand because she saw some growths she wasn't too comfortable about. I hope they are harmless. I can't deal with this kind of problem again.

Anyway, after the doctor I had lunch with my bro-in-law and the two of us had a good time.

Today, being Election Day, on the way home I went to do my civic duty. This was the first time in many days that voting in my district went without a hitch. In all previous years all these old geezers who worked there never knew what to do and they were chasing their own tails. This time all went quickly and efficiently.

I was in and out in less than ten minutes. Today I feel good because I added my twenty five cents to it. I know it is not twenty five but there is inflation, you know!

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