Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Sunday night lacking anything worthwhile to see on TV I was watching the Tony Awards. It was a slightly more than three hour show of self adulation of people from the theater business.

I am not saying that it was not entertaining because part of it was but still, in my opinion it was not for small children to watch.

First, I don't like to see a man kissing other man on the lips. That is not done and it should have not been shown. The other thing I found distasteful when one man thanked his husband for putting up with him. These two things turned my stomach.

I am not anti gay but please do not publicize it! We all know who they are and I have nothing against them but please don't jump on each other in public. If this world would be all gay there would be no next generation, or at least not the kind we would like. Think about it!

The other thing is that all these people are supposed to be performers, and I accept that. They are stage performers, playing before live audience which I'm sure is not easy. That means they are capable of controlling their emotions. Yet, when they win and go up on the stage they all put on an act of uncontrollable crying, babbling, being confused.

Like it was a total surprise that they received this award. Come on! They all had their little boring speeches in their pockets, wore the best dress possible and were prepared for anything but losing. So, what with the act?

Another thing. The performers tell the worst and stupidest jokes in the world. But the audience laughs so hard that they almost pee all over themselves. Some of the jokes wouldn't last ten minutes in a comedy club but these people seem to like them.

Either they have absolutely no sense of humor or they just laugh out of solidarity with their colleagues.

Oh, one more observation. Why most of the stage actors speak with a British (and that includes Australian and any other English speaking bloke) dialogue? Are there not enough performers in this country to fill the Broadway stages?

Anyway, now I know what shows are playing on Broadway and I am really not sorry that I haven't seen any of them.

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