Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I hate to shave. I always hated to shave. When I was a young boy around 17 - 18 years of age I already started shaving. At the time in Hungary my Father and I used double edged razor blades. American made because they were better or longer lasting than the ones publicly available.

First I didn't really know how to shave, second I was always full of cuts and scrapes after every shave. So, the first thing I bought when I came out to this country was an electric razor and I have been using those ever since.

My Grandfather as far as I remember always used the old fashioned straight edge razor but I never learned how to use it. Maybe just as well. I probably would have cut my throat at the first try.

Why am I telling all this?

Because when I have no pressing social engagements in my calendar I do not shave. Right now I did not shave my face since last Saturday and I do begin to look like a homeless man. Old homeless man.

This morning or rather mid morning I went to the gym to try to shed some of the pounds I put on over the weekend. End result: the pounds stayed.

Anyway, we all know the Samson and Delilah story from way-way back in ancient times. Samson's strength was in his beard. When Delilah cut off his beard his strength disappeared.

So today I figured I'll try the Samson trick in the gym. I had the beard already but unfortunately the weights felt just as heavy as when I was clean shaved.

Again, my beliefs were shaken!

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