Thursday, April 24, 2014


I came from a communist country where the politicians lied, cheated and stole whatever they could. And this was the expected way of life because there was nothing anybody could or dared to do.

The politicians always told the people that everything that was done was for the benefit of the people. To help the working people and families. And we believed it. Hook, line and sinker! And if things were not perfect, well that was to be expected.

Now I am here in this country where democracy rules, everybody is free and changes could be made if we don't like what we hear.

Except that nothing changed. The politicians lie and cheat and tell us that everything they do is for the benefit of the people. But the question is what people.

The democrats are swearing that what they do is good for us. The republicans are swearing that what the democrats are saying is no good because only they, the republicans know what is good for the people.

Are they talking about the same people? Because it seem this country has two classes of people. The democrats and the republicans.

Politicians go for the photo op. They will show up wherever they can get their pictures taken or talk on TV. New York's democratic senator Chuck Schumer is visible on Sunday night television. That is when he comes to New York and adopts some issue making sure that it is on the nightly news. Where is he during the week?

After the storm Sandy all the politicians were there hugging people and crying with the people and promising they would do everything to get federal money to help rebuild.

I used to do business with state agencies and the people in places all wanted something for just doing their jobs.

My question is now, why are we any different here than the political system we are or were condemning for years saying that was evil?

It is well known that that didn't work out as promised. People are still living in hotels or with friends two years after the storm. Where are these huggers and criers now?

Another thing is that this government makes such a big deal out of other countries being corrupt. They should look at their own backyard first. It is a well known fact that Washington is as corrupt as any other country in this world. Maybe not blatantly corrupt but every politician in Washington and all municipal localities has his own price.

Maybe not at the highest levels but further down the food chain the people are buyable!

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