Monday, November 30, 2009

November 30, 2009

Yesterday I wrote about cars or at least about my car stories. Today I will write more about cars.

It's a good subject, we all have cars and we all drive.

But now, I want to address the size of cars here in the US.

Last Summer when we were on vacation we rented a Hyundai Accent. The car was perfect for our purposes: to drive around the island, to go shopping, sight seeing and restaurants. Even our luggage fitted perfectly. It was a small car but it never seemed too small for us.

Yesterday we were driving here on a parkway and there was a Hyundai Accent front of us. I have to tell you that was one small car! I told my wife I never realized how small that car was. Maybe it didn't seem that way at the time we rented one because most of the other cars were small.

Just like with our 42" TV. In the showroom next to all the others it didn't appear large at all. But at home...

OK back to the cars. That little Hyundai goes a million miles with a tank of gas. It's economical for sure. All smaller cars are economical. In Europe we saw so many different brands, all nice and small and not gas guzzlers.

So, why we are not happy to drive these smaller cars here when we could save a bundle on gas?

For two reasons.

One for status. People have the tendency to look down on a person who drives a small car. Like a Ford Focus or a Hyundai Accent or any other brand. Except maybe a Ferrari, but then there are not too many of those around here.

The other reason is safety. You drive on the highway with all these 18 wheelers going 70-80 miles per hour bearing down on anybody in their way, their draft practically blowing any smaller car off the road. It doesn't give you the safe feeling it should.

I drive an SUV. A few years ago I was driving home on the New York State Thruway in very heavy traffic. It was stop and go for a long while. At one point someone stopped dead front of me so I also had to step on the brake.

Well, the car behind me hit me in the rear fairly strongly. You can imagine in the middle of the Thruway this was not a very comfortable situation. We both got out of our respective cars and surveyed the damages. The other car was a small Subaru, mine was a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

The result of the survey was that my car didn't have a scratch however, the other car's front rolled up like a sardine can. He couldn't drive it because the engine was also damaged.

This story was just to underline the fact why larger cars are or at least give you the feeling of safety.

This is a huge country. People drive enormous distances. While in Europe one travels through six countries and languages and cultures, here doing the same distance we are still in the same state.

We all want to be in a car that we feel will protect us in case of danger. I firmly believe cars have souls. If one is good to his car it will protect its owner in return.

That's why I always say "good morning" to my car so it wouldn't get a hissy fit later.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 29, 2009

I love to drive. I have been driving for over 40 years and still love it. When we had our first car we used to go out on weekends and just drive around. I told this to a friend of mine who already had a car. He was smiling. He said give it a few years and you would be fed up with it. But I still enjoy it.

Here are a few funny occurrences that involved cars.

In the 1960s we were in Europe. While there we rented a car. The car happened to be a Renault sedan. While driving it started to rain. Naturally, I turned on the windshield wipers. The wipers made one swoop then stopped. Later made another swoop and stopped again. It kept doing this the entire time while it rained.

I had no clue why it was doing this. I was convinced I got a car with a broken windshield wiper. At that time I never heard of intermittent wipers. At least I didn't have it on my car in the US. Fortunately it did not rain again so I never had to deal with those "broken" wipers.

Another time I rented an Opel at a European airport. The car was cool, all equipped and I really liked it. The trouble was I didn't know how to open the trunk (or boot). I tried everything with no success. I asked a nearby taxi driver thinking he might know. Had no clue. Jiggled the key back and forth and eventually it opened. Days later I read the manual and found out how easy it was.

Another time I rented a similar car. This car was with manual transmission which I really like. The funny thing with manual transmission is that Reverse is in different positions with different cars. Fortunately with this car we didn't have to go reverse because I couldn't find the correct position. Well, eventually I did find it on my own and we were able to park easily.

A few years ago on vacation we rented a small Toyota. Got to the hotel and found that I didn't know how to lock the car doors. They were not electronically lockable. I tried everything with no success. That night the car remained open.

Next day we went back to the rental place and sheepishly asked to be shown how to lock the doors. Once it was shown I realized I wasn't stupid. The way it worked couldn't be figured out by anybody who never drove a Toyota.

I used to drive cars equipped with manual transmission. I liked them. Heavy traffic never bothered me. It's interesting that in Europe a rental car with automatic transmission cost more than standard shift. Here in the US one has to look through a magnifying glass to find a car with standard shift.

Forget about renting one but even buying one is difficult. They charge extra for the automatic transmission but if you want the standard shift they look at you like you are having two heads.

There is nothing more embarrassing than stalling a car on the road for incorrect shifting and right behind is a little old lady blowing the horn impatiently.

Friday, November 27, 2009

November 27, 2009

Well, Thanksgiving is over. I'm glad. I used to like it when I worked because this provided a nice long four day weekend. But now it doesn't make any difference.

When one is retired it doesn't make any difference if it is Thanksgiving, Christmas or just any Wednesday.

But anyway I don't want to sound like a curmudgeon. No bah humbug stuff.

We had a lovely dinner with Family. But...we broke with tradition and did not have turkey. I know that this is un-American but what we had was so good that it was worth it.

My wife decided that instead that bird she would do another bird. We had Hungarian chicken paprikash. That was so good that I can not begin to explain it. It was also a huge success.

Chicken paprikash is one of those Hungarian dishes that are like me. They get better with time!

Fortunately some left for us for the next few days so, I'm happy.


Today is Black Friday. We decided to do supermarket shopping today instead of Saturday figuring everybody is at the malls and there would be nobody at the supermarket. We were right. The store was well stocked and uncrowded.

On the way we stopped at our usual DSW. For those of the uninformed that is a huge discount shoe store. This store usually has fairly good merchandise at acceptable discounts. They were advertising Gucci bags at 50% discount as the big item for today.

We checked them out just out of curiosity. The stuff was such a crap it was unbelievable. Their 50% prices were between $250 and $350.

The only reason they were so expensive because they had the Gucci name on them. Big deal!

I'm convinced that this stuff is a different line created for discount stores, malls and such. I'm also convinced one can buy a knock off on Orchard Street for $29.95 that looks a lot better than this.

It warmed my innards that nobody was buying this stuff while we were there.


Correction to something I wrote the day before yesterday. Next Monday is not Hi Tech Monday. It is Cyber Monday.

If I'm complaining about something at least lets be accurate about it.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

November 26, 2009



Loving and

Interesting guests for



Young at heart

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

November 25, 2009

Today is the day before Thanksgiving. It is called the Biggest Travel Day of the Year. From here on every important day has a name.

Friday is Black Friday, for the shopping deals. The following Monday I think is Hi Tech Day for the computer and electronic deals.

Oh, there is Christmas somewhere, but that's not important. It only gets in the way of the special shopping days.

Day after Christmas Day is Boxing Day in England and within the good old British Empire but here it is the Return Day. That's when everybody return the stupid presents they got and hate.

When I was growing up in the "Old Country" people were able to do their Christmas shopping normally. I mean between Monday and Saturday noon. The last Sunday before Christmas was called Gold Sunday. That was the only time stores were allowed to be open on a Sunday.

And that was not a christian country by any means. So, interfering with going to church was not an issue. People just didn't want to spend their time on Sunday shopping.

If my memory serves me right here in this country nothing was open on Sunday until about 30 years ago.

Then some enterprising capitalist discovered that hey, if we are open on Sunday we might make more money. And then it begun.

I'm not saying it is not a success. We are so used to it that if we find ourselves in a county or country where there are no Sunday openings we tend to get upset.

I love to go on vacation to the Caribbean island of St. Maarten. This island happens to be a favorite cruise ship stop and I don't blame the cruise ships. It is a beautiful island.

Shopping is geared for the tourists, primarily for the cruise passengers. The local law doesn't permit stores to be open on Sundays. Being a devout christian island I can appreciate their reasoning. However as the saying goes "money talks". If and when cruise ships are in port on Sunday all the stores are permitted to be open.

I guess they figure they make up the church going on a quiet day when there are no ships in port.

The same thinking applies to alcohol. Up to some years ago one could not purchase alcohol on a Sunday. Food stores in New York State could not sell beer until noon.

Years ago we liked to vacation in Georgia, on Jekyll Island. On Sunday with brunch one could not get a good bloody mary. This was a bible belt state where they took this law very seriously. Or did they? We went there for a few years and later on it turned out that hotels and resorts were exempted from this no alcohol rule.

I think by now the whole thing went out the window and one can get filthy drunk before, during or after church.

So what's my point?

I'm not advocating the return to blue laws. All I'm saying is that everything is driven by money. The driving force behind our everyday life is big business' need to make more and more money off us.

If it takes opening at midnight after Thanksgiving or staying open 24 or 26 hours non-stop let it be. If the crowd would trample each other to death in their mad rush for the so called "bargains" let it be.

On the long run its only a few lives. But the profit column will look better, the stockholders will be happy and that's what counts.

Have a nice Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November 24, 2009

I have a moral problem.

The problem is why should I, an Average Joe, care about Afghanistan? Or, Iraq or any other third or even fourth world country.

Why should my taxpayer money should be spent in a far corner of this world on people who are not even remotely interested in changing their lives. People who would only be happy if they could see the destruction of this country.

Look at Afghanistan.

On May 1, 1978, the country was then named the The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, and lasted, in some form or another, until April 1992. The country was under a soviet helped government. There was an anti soviet uprising there that was promoted by the US. The Taliban at the time seemed the saviors of the country. The American government was arming them and helping them. The soviets eventually left the country in defeat and everybody lost interest in Afghanistan.

Eventually the Taliban took over control of the majority of the country. After September 11, 2001 the US and the world started to pay attention. The Taliban governed under extremely religious rules. Women lost their rights. Anybody against them was severely punished. They disregarded the international community and human rights laws.

After the invasion of Iraq it seemed natural that the US would do something. In October 2001 the US commenced action to change the government of Afghanistan. The government established is still in power today. It is a corrupt, non-democratic government and the world knows it. But the US is supporting it.

Now the Taliban is the enemy. They are fighting the Americans with weapons they received from this country during the soviet times. Now, again they are the enemy.

The trouble is that Americans are dying there while fighting for some obscure goal that nobody understands.

The population don't really care about the Americans. The government only wants the Americans there because they help them to stay in power.

Someone please explain to me why should I care what form of government rules in Afghanistan!

The same applies to Iraq. What was wrong with Saddam Hussein? The US invaded Iraq, overthrew Saddam Hussein and placed a puppet government in power. In the meantime Americans were dying, for what? For the oil?

Whenever reporters interviewed ordinary people over there they expressed their opinion that life wasn't that bad under the old regime. At least they weren't bombed in their churches or restaurants. They also said they didn't like the Americans.

So, what's the purpose of this? It didn't help the economy, people lost their lives and for what?

If I look back in recent history I have a question. With the exception of World War II what war did the US won?

If my memory serves me right one was in the Caribbean island of Granada. The US attacked it and was victorious over six half drunk Cuban soldiers. The other one was in Kuwait when Iraq attacked it and the Americans annihilated the Iraqi military. OK, this last one was worth it.

But who knows if Kuwait is still such a good ally.

Korea was a disaster, Vietnam was a disaster, Somalia was a disaster.

Iraq and Afghanistan are also heading in that direction.

The billions spent on these wars could be put to better use here to shore up the economy!

I'm glad that I am over age. I can only serve in the Old Home Guard now and that looks pretty harmless.

Monday, November 23, 2009

November 23, 2009

Today's subject is friends. Not the TV show but true friends.

Friendship is a beautiful thing. No matter how much money one has that's one thing that can not be bought.

Anybody who has a lot of money and is surrounded with "friends" is kidding himself. They are not friends. They just hang around for the benefits, for the fallout.

It can be noticed that beautiful girls always have kind of ugly girlfriends. And the reason is twofold. The beautiful girls don't have to be jealous of the ugly girls and, the ugly girls are waiting for the fallout or the leftover benefits. These are not real friends by any means.

As I mentioned earlier I came to this country when I was almost 21 years old. Back in the "Old Country" I had a lot of friends. Guys I went to school with, guys whom I grew up with, guys I hung around with year after year. We were a close bunch. We knew and cared about each other. We knew each other's family, our parents were well acquainted.

I left Hungary with one of my friends. We were almost like brothers. We went to the same school, we grew up together. The fact that we were some kind of cousins were secondary because friendship came first. When we got to the US our lives took different paths. I stayed in New York while he went far, far away (to Pennsylvania). But we stayed in touch throughout the years.

I was at his wedding, he was at my wedding. We stayed close friends regardless of the distance. We speak frequently, unfortunately we don't see each other as much as we would like to. When we talk on the phone we talk for an hour, like two old ladies.

In 2000 we went to Hungary, just the two of us, to retrace our youth. The two weeks we spent there were fantastic. We also ate a lot there without spousal supervision!

This kind of friendship is missing here. I have good friends whom I know for over 40 years but none going back to my childhood. For that one has to be born here. That's one of the curse of being an emigrant.

The following is a funny story.

I had a very good friend in Hungary as far back as elementary school. We were very close. We lived close to each other and spent a lot of time together. Our ways separated in the 1950s. When 1956 happened he went to England while I came to the US. Never kept in touch.

About 30 years ago one night our phone rings and it was this friend. He was in New York with his wife and he said we should meet. Naturally, I was very excited about seeing him after all these years. We agreed to meet in the lobby of the Waldorf Astoria, by the big clock.

Well, we were there on time and were looking. I realized I had no clue what he would look like. It turned out neither had he about me. After all the people who were supposed to meet their parties met and left there were only one other couple who stayed. We were eying each other very apprehensively.

Eventually we asked each other and realized we were the bosom buddies who were inseparable years ago . After that we had a great time. Since then we are keeping in touch and met several times with no trouble recognizing each other.

Friendship is a commodity that is priceless. Its something anyone can invest in and with time and care it will provide great returns.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 22, 2009

Today is my 29th wedding anniversary. On November 22, 1980 I got married to my wife. In the 29 years that we have been together I never regretted that. We are having a great marriage.

We have no children, by mutual agreement, and I was never sorry about that.

Now, that we are both retired and we are spending 24/7 together we are getting along better than ever.

We met in 1978. I just lost my first wife, and my current wife just got divorced. So, we were both on the rebound.

When my first wife passed away I thought my life was over. Here I was 40 years old and I would live the rest of my life alone. I had no clue how I would meet anybody from the opposite sex.
I didn't realize that the beginning of the second half of my life was just around the corner.

It was a blind date. I actually had no marriage on my mind but she was very serious about it. Later I found out that after our first date when she went home her mother asked her about me. She told her that she found man she would marry.

Another thing should have raised a warning flag! When I called her the first time we discussed how and where we would meet. At the time she lived in Manhattan in an apartment house with a doorman in the lobby. We agreed that we would meet at whatever time in the building lobby. So, what my future love of my life asks? How will I recognize you? I said I wouldn't be the furniture and I wouldn't be the doorman. I'll be the other guy!

But we met and ever since didn't let go.

We didn't have any special celebration. It's only a date in the calendar. Basically every day is an anniversary. And I am grateful for every single day that I can be with her.

Sometimes we argue but not over anything serious. And we always make up.

Usually, I give in because if I don't I won't get fed!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 21, 2009

My wife and I love Japanese food. We love sashimi which is really nothing but raw fish. It sounds disgusting but it is goood!

There is a Japanese sea food place on Long Island called Minado. They call themselves Japanese but the owners are Koreans. This place is a buffet. All you can eat and, the food is pretty good.

Selections are many and the sushi bar is excellent.

We like to go there because the service is good, parking is comfortable and there is always plenty of stuff to chose from.

On Saturdays at lunch the place is usually crowded. A buffet lunch on Saturday/Sunday cost $17.99 which is not unacceptable.

Well, we went there today. We haven't been there for a while. As we entered we saw a sign advising all costumers that their prices were increased. Weekend lunch was now increased to $20.99.

With coffee and soda by the time we finished the bill came to $50.00. That is kind of steep for two lunches.

The place that used to be filled to the rim was now almost empty.

The food selections were pitiful. Sushi/sashimi is primarily sea food. Now, they had portobello sushi, tofu sushi, avocado sushi. As far as I know none of these is a sea creature. I don't remember ever seeing a portobello mushroom or tofu or avocado swimming in the ocean.

In the hot food selection they also introduced non-Japanese food. Like Buffalo chicken.

Today, most of the restaurants are fighting for survival and for costumers. They are reducing their prices in order to invite business.

There is a Hungarian restaurant we like to go to in Manhattan. They had a fixed price lunch for $14.95. Three courses, superb stuff! In order not to be left behind in business the owner reduced the lunch price to $12.95. And it worked. People are coming in to eat because they get their money's worth.

At the same time this Japanese restaurant had the galls to increase their prices and at the same time lower the quality of food. I just hope they get what they deserve!

Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20, 2009

I heard an advertisement today on the radio for B&H Photo which I found kind of curious.

B&H Photo is in Manhattan on the West Side on 34th Street. The store is selling all kinds of electronic stuff not only photo items as its name implies. Their prices are good and sometime negotiable.

Just for information, they are orthodox Jews.

They were in the news the other day because they don't hire women. As far as I know the orthodox don't mingle with women. They are OK as costumers and wives but I guess they don't want to work with them.

I remember seeing special buses coming into Manhattan from Brooklyn with a divider hanging on a clothesline in the middle of the bus separating the men from the women.

Now, I am Jewish. I have nothing against the religion but I have everything against ancient costumes forced on people. This is the 21st Century. It's time to go with the flow.

The Amazon Indians live in the stone age but that is understandable. Orthodox Jews live in this country, in the middle of one of the greatest cities of the world, but they insist to live in the Middle Ages.

The Pennsylvania Dutch live the same way but at least they live practically isolated from society.

The zinger that made me write this was the B&H Photo advertisement today saying that they will be open on Thanksgiving Day from 10 am to 6 pm.

I find this very disturbing. Thanksgiving was historically a religious holiday to give thanks to God. But Thanksgiving is not a Christian religious holiday. It's a holiday for ALL denominations. We give thanks to God for everything we received and for our lives.

And, orthodox Jews should not feel exempt from this. If they are Americans they should celebrate with the rest of the Nation. All businesses close on that day. There is absolutely no reason to be open and force others, maybe non-Jew employees to work. However, if they don't feel like Americans, put a sign outside and announce it.

I heard that in Israel they don't acknowledge the existence of the Jewish state. They live separately, they don't contribute to the well being of the country. But that's their homeland and it's their affair.

Here, in the US it's our affair. This country requires certain respect from its citizens. Whoever don't like it, hey there is a plane leaving from JFK every few minutes.

Again, I am Jewish and I can say whatever I feel.

The orthodox young man is getting ready for his wedding. He asks his rabbi:

- Rabbi, is it true that it is forbidden at the wedding for men to dance with women?
- Yes, because if they dance together it will lead to temptation.
- Then, even I can not dance with my own wife?
- No - says the rabbi.
- And what is the situation with sex on our wedding night? Is that permitted?
- Yes, naturally. The purpose of marriage is the creation of the next generation.
- In every position?
- Naturally!
- Even if the woman is on the top?
- Sure, why not?
- Even if totally naked?
- Yes, of course!
- Even on the table?
- Why not?
- What about in a standing position?
- Oh, no! That is not permitted!
- Why not?
- Because that may lead to dance...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19, 2009

Today there was a lot of talk about how harmful popcorn with or without butter can be. The popcorn in question is the one a person buys in the movie theater.

It's an American custom to buy a bucket of popcorn and a half gallon of soda and maybe some candy bars so the patron would not die of hunger and thirst during the two hour movie. Can you imagine how thirsty one might be during Lawrence of Arabia? Three and three quarter hours in the desert is not easy.

Today WCBS TV News came out with a report that indicates that popcorn is very high in calories. According to this report a medium popcorn and soda combo equivalent of 3 McDonald's Quarter Pounder and 12 pats of butter.

Every day they come out with something that is harmful to our health. I realize that we have the bad habit of eating the wrong stuff but that's what tastes the best.

Many years ago I asked a doctor friend of mine what is that's not fattening: air, was his answer.

But in this country they are getting hysterical about the calorie and healthy food thing.

When I was very young and lived in Hungary I went to the movies with my parents a lot. Before the show we went to the candy store and my Father bought us candy. About 4-5 ounces for each of us. Actually people did that in theaters too. The candy was lemon flavored, sweet, sour or whatever one wanted.

But, there was no national health panic that the population's teeth would rot due to the excessive candy munching. The only ones ever complained were fellow patrons who could not hear the words because of the constant noise from the bags people were digging into to find their candies.

I wonder how many people give up their habits because some dumb TV report.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 17, 2009

They are talking about the security cameras that are being placed all over New York City. I don't understand what the is uproar about.

I'm sure they serve a purpose. Either as a deterrent to crime or eventually helping to identify whoever commits a crime.

I have absolutely no problem with this thing. I don't feel my constitutional right being taken away. I don't have anything to hide and I'm sure nobody is sitting in that control room watching me going to the gym or the store or enter into a restaurant.

And if they are watching they can learn something: I have impeccable taste and I only go to good places. Inexpensive, but good.

The civil libertarians want protection, crime prevention but oh, don't trample on my constitutional rights.

I have an E-Z Pass. We laugh at the long lines at the cash toll gates while we breeze through. Do I care if Big brother is watching? Do I care if Big Brother keeps a log of what malls we visit? No, I don't care.

I have a friend who travels, rather drives every day into Manhattan. On the way he goes through tolls. I asked him once if he had an E-Z Pass. He told me no, because he didn't want Big Brother to know what he was doing.

I think this is just a paranoia people choose to live with. If one has nothing to hide what is the big deal?

We are living in terrible times. We already had a terror attack on New York City and everybody is convinced there will be more. Prevention of such attack is more important than hurting some people's feeling. If the government chooses to trample on some people's rights in order to save millions of lives then go ahead. Don't hesitate!

It's a free country. If one wants to feel that his constitutional right is taken away by the installation of security cameras, fine. Go ahead and feel hurt. He will be the one screaming the loudest if something happens and he can not be protected. I just think this is idiotic and short sighted.


There was a car accident reported today where a driver hit someone in the dark claiming he didn't see the person.

The driver was described as an elderly man, 73 years old. Being myself 72 years of age I hate the adjective "elderly".

I take care of myself, I exercise, I'm not overweight. I think I am in better shape than many 65 year old youngster. So why use such discriminative description? We are not using the n word, we are not using the j word, we are not using the g word. So why are we using the e word? I personally take offense at such description of a person.

Old f..t is OK!

Monday, November 16, 2009

November 18, 2009

I retired from work in March of 2007. Up to that time I worked almost continuously for 50 years in this country. In Europe prior to coming to the US, I worked for two years. So, I did enough, it was time to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

But there is problem with them fruits!

You look at the AARP magazine or any publication that deals with retirement you see these smiling, no care in the world silver haired healthy, young looking people who are enjoying every minute of their retirements. They fish, they dance, they travel, they have non stop sex, they live in beautiful communities in beautiful houses surrounded by similar beautiful people.

But there is another side of that coin.

The bottom fell out of the economy in late 2007. Everything that was good and promised to remain good went sour. We suddenly found ourselves living off a reduced income. Our investments lost their value and suddenly things started to look really gloomy.

Suddenly you find yourself at home with no place to go, nothing to do. Well, there are things to do but no matter where you turn it costs money. Life now seems to cost more than when one worked.

When I went to work I sat in the office all day and worked. With the exception of the train rides and lunch there was no money spent. Now, when one is home it doesn't matter where he goes it cost money.

You use more electricity, in the summer you use the air conditioner all day. You use the car all day, therefore the gasoline bill is higher. If you eat out lunch costs more than a lunch at work.

I am too old to start something new but too young to sit home and do nothing. Nobody in this world will hire a 70+ person no matter how healthy one is unless one wants to work for Walmart or such place.

Some people say look, you can travel whenever and wherever you want. Sure, if travel would be free.

Since my wife is also retired we spend our time together. And, thank God we get along very well. I agree to everything this way there are no arguments. It seem to work.

But living off a fixed income is not easy. As time goes by the cost of everything rise but the income shrinks. So, you learn to cut corners. Unnecessary things are out. Splurging is history.

We play the Lotto. And dream that maybe one day we get lucky.

Since I am at home during the day I see a lot of people who don't work and a lot of older people who I assume are retired. The retired ones don't look very happy at all. They certainly are not the beautiful people.

These people are suffering. They are suffering from boredom, from loneliness from lack of money. Loneliness is probably the worst enemy.

Why everybody thinks that when a person reaches 70-72 years his brain goes to mush? Those people are still sharp, smart and have more experience than any 35 year old. I mentioned 35 year olds because those are the ones replacing the "old" people.

OK, maybe a 72 year old doesn't have a 15 year plan to stay and work but the years he would work would worth a lot.

Today's society is not doing anything towards letting people work as long as they want to. They turn a blind eye because they say the young generation have to work, also.

Maybe turning old people into soylent green is not so far fetched an idea.

November 16, 2009

Today it was announced that GM will start paying back to the government some of the bailout money they received. This is smoking mirrors on a gigantic scale.

GM received money to pay their obligations and they received money for improvements. They used the money to pay their obligations and will be repaying the government from the money earmarked for improvements.

What happened now to the improvements? GM is refusing to give up. They still want to be the largest automaker in the world. They still don't care what the consumers want, they want to push their cars on everybody. Why do they refuse to sell Opel which is a great and popular brand in Europe? Do they have to own everything that has four wheels?

Here is a little story that capsulizes what's wrong with the American auto industry.

We leased a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee, (unfortunately) eight cylinders, a gas guzzler like you wouldn't believe. When we leased it in late 2005 times were good, gas was not expensive. By the time our lease expired in October 2008, the thing hit the bottom fan. Gasoline was about $4.00 a gallon and large cars were like the boogie man.

Regardless of its problem we still liked the car. We made an offer to Chrysler to buy it as it was. The contract price was about $19,000. We made an offer to Chrysler for $15,000. They were very rigid about the whole deal, eventually agreeing to $17,000. We said no deal, here is your gas guzzler live with it happily ever after.

As happy as we were with Chrysler, since this was our fourth Jeep, we decided never again. Also by that time Chrysler went out of the leasing business.

Across the street from this dealer there was a Hyundai dealership. We went in and checked out their cars. We inquired and they said leasing was not a problem. Four days later we were the proud parents of a brand new 2008 Hyundai Santa Fe.

Now, why a Korean car dealership can give us better service than an American dealership? That's not accidental that you can see so many foreign cars on the roads. Sometimes it seems they are outnumbering the American cars.

We used to have a 1985 Ford Tempo. At the time we bought it it was advertised as the best car in its category. Well, this car in its first two years had more trouble than other ten cars combined.

At one time when I took it back to the dealership with its latest trouble, even the service manager remarked what else can go wrong with this car. In his opinion everything that could go wrong already did. The car was so bad that at the end the Ford factory representative agreed to reimburse us for the cost of the repairs that were not covered by the warranty.

Up to that time we only had American cars. Mercury Comet, Mercury Cougar, American Motors, Pontiac Le Mans, Ford Mustang. So it was natural that we buy American.

After two years we decided to get rid of the Tempo. Somebody bought it who was aware of all the problems we had, but he still liked the car. Ironically, we heard that person never had any problem with the Tempo.

We decided we'll take a chance on a Japanese car and, we bought a 1987 Maxima. The car was superb. We had that car for over ten years and gave us no problems at all.

When we bought the Maxima I worked in a construction field office. My all-American colleagues made me feel bad that I dared to buy a foreign car. That was a real Chevy crowd. But once they sat in the car they started to change their tunes and began to like it.

That car was made a lot better than any of its American counterpart at the time. It had more luxuries included than in any of our past cars. Now, why was that?

Ok, we had four American cars after that but now that we have a foreign (Korean) car we can see the difference. This car is well made, it is comfortable and, (knock on wood) it runs well.

I am not trying to be unpatriotic but until the American car companies learn to build cars the American public wants they will not get out of their financial predicament.

Don't try to be the biggest, the largest. Try to be the best. That should be enough. Look at Volkswagen. It's not GM or Ford and they still make good, no superb cars.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 15, 2009

A little politicizing now.

Everywhere I turn now all I hear is Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin. I'm sick and tired of Sarah Palin.

This country is in a very sad shape if there is nothing else to talk about but Sarah Palin. And the Republican Party is in even worst shape if they place their hopes on someone like her.

It's not very likely that this country will ever elect a person for President who's foreign affairs experience is based on the fact that she can see Russia from her pack porch. And who's main trump card is that she is a hockey mom.

Sarah Palin glorifies white trash.

Her 18 year old daughter got pregnant from a 19 year old high school dropout and, her husband is a union card carrying blue collar man who likes to hunt.

She had to be groomed on how to behave on the campaign trail as well as had to be instructed on how to dress. She was coached on what to say and after a few embarrassing interviews she was kept in the background.

Now, that the elections are over and, thankfully she lost, her daughter and the father of the baby broke up.

Now is the time to cash in one's celebrity status. Levi Johnston, the baby's father is everywhere on TV telling his side of the story. He is planning to pose in the buff in Playgirl Magazine. I'm sure there is money in it. And, probably more money that he has ever seen. He is a high school dropout who right now is enjoying his fifteen minutes of fame.

The new grandmother just published her tell-all book and appeared on Oprah. She is cashing in on this stuff, also.

Next things should be for the entire family to appear on Jerry Springer's show. Because that's where they all belong to.

If these are the people with whom the future of this country lies, we are in bad shape!

Friday, November 13, 2009

November 14, 2009

Today it was a miserable day in New York. The remnants of a tropical storm Ida lingered around. The results were high winds, flooding and rain. The winds were yesterday but the rain stuck around all day today. It wasn't heavy but rather a light, constant drizzle. The kind you just hate to drive in.

Up to the end of the Middle Ages in almost all countries in the world people practically grew up on horseback. Their lives were one with their horses. They could ride like it was second nature, which it was. Their lives depended on the cool behavior of their horse.

Now, why am I saying this? Because here in the good old US of A, the car took the place of the horse. Kids start to drive the minute they reach legal age, or even before.

Driving is second nature to everybody or even first nature. Our lives depend on the behavior of our car.

I do believe that cars have souls. If we treat them right, they will treat us right.

So why on a lousy day like it was today people drive like they are still learning? Where is all that experience, that second nature everybody supposed to posses?

It has nothing to do with caution. People don't drive with caution anyway. They drive without any care about others or even themselves.

They just want to get where they are going as fast as possible and it doesn't matter how. But on a rainy day all bets are off. Traffic slows down, backs up even on a lightest traffic day.

American drivers should know and feel the road and shouldn't be afraid of it. A good car will handle all the problems of the road just like a good horse.

That's where the comparison ends. Gasoline is more expensive than oat. But then horses don't come with power steering.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 13, 2009

Yesterday I wrote about the spirit of Christmas the way I see it From The Bottom. Today a few words about gift giving.

I will not make a habit of ranting on and on of the same subject but this something that deserves a few words.

When I was very young, whenever there was a holiday where gift giving was the costume I got a pen or a book or a (one) toy. And I was very happy to get anything.

Nowadays people spend enormous amounts of money on presents. The money value doesn't really represent their love toward the person receiving the present. Rather, they just don't want to be outdone by someone else.

There are expensive new hi-tech toys that kids want. Parents will buy them because they are afraid their kids will not forgive them if they don't get the stuff.

Neiman-Marcus' Christmas Catalog always advertise extremely expensive extravagant items. A $100,000 chinchilla coat is nothing. You could buy a private island somewhere for a mere $15 million. Or a private jet for $35 mil.

I decided against a refurbished World War II tank in perfect running condition because for $250,000 it didn't have power steering!

A funny thing is, that years ago we spent an enormous amount of time buying presents to our toddler niece. Dolls, dolls and more dolls. The dolls talked, walked, slept, and did everything but clean house. We put the packages under the tree. When the time came to open the presents she seemed to be more interested in the colorful wrapping papers than the contents of the boxes.

The fact that the day after Christmas Day is returning day indicates that the majority of the people return their presents. So why not just give gift certificates or cash rather than waste time on shopping?

I personally like cash. I never like any of the presents I receive because I am very fussy. I hate to smile and say how I love it and this just what I always dreamed of. And the next minute start thinking how can I return it and get something I really like.

Here is another angle. You give someone $100 worth of presents. That person gives you presents worth $100. Neither of you really like what you got and you are even with the money.

My suggestion is both keep the $100 and call it even.

A very good Christmas present in my opinion is theater tickets. People don't go to the theater enough. And with today's ticket prices that is understandable. I bet there are people who have never ever gone to see a Broadway show and live in New York. So, two tickets is a great idea. Not very cheap but good present.

That's all about Christmas for now!


Today the market went up 73 points. Suddenly we are living in a rosy economy. I coined a new economical term: yoyo economy. That is what we are living in. One day the economy is great the next day it looks terrible. How can a sane person can make sense out of this?

November 12, 2009

It was all over in the news today that yesterday they cut down the giant Christmas tree that will be erected in the Rockefeller Center and lit up on December 2 this year.

Well, Christmas is almost here. It is six weeks away and it is coming. Boy, how time flies.

But why is it coming back? Did Christmas ever leave?

I know that Christmas supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a nice, warm, apolitical holiday.

Growing up in a Jewish family we never celebrated Christmas. Actually, we did exchange presents but did not have a Christmas tree. When I was about five years old I couldn't understand why we didn't have a tree. I nagged to my Grandmother who eventually bought me a small tree. I was in seventh heaven.

Unfortunately throughout the years Christmas lost its charm, its importance and, primarily its meaning.

Now, it is nothing more than a shopping marathon. Stores stay open 24 hours or open and close at unheard of hours. Businesses prepare year ahead for this event. Some even stay open late on Christmas Eve, and open on Christmas Day requiring their employees to work.

Weeks ago the Holiday advertising started. Every year it seems these things start earlier and earlier and, last longer and longer.

It feels like pre-holiday sales start in July while post-holiday sales end in June. So, we have an entire year of Christmas. Now, isn't this a dream for the stores?

The only advantage of Christmas losing its religious meaning is that now almost all denominations celebrate the holiday. Just the fact that families get together, exchange presents points to its importance.

This is not an event when one has to get filthy drunk in order to celebrate. Just be nice to one's family, show appreciation to loved ones is enough.

The religious will celebrate the birth of Jesus but the rest of us
will just sit back and enjoy the Holiday.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11, 2009

I don't want to harp on something I already complained about in October 15. But these frequent hospital advertisements irk me to no end. So, here is my suggestion.

Hospitals behave like competing department stores. In that case they should act like them. Give out coupons, like pay for one procedure you'll get the second 50% off or during special holiday seasons get the second one free.

Get one bypass surgery you'll get a free kidney removal; get a tumor removal and we'll give you a free liposuction. The possibilities are endless!


We went to shopping with my wife today. Actually not having much else to do we go to stores a lot so my observation is not based on imagination but based on facts.

You go in a ladies clothing store where the signs knock your eyes out saying 40% to 70% sale. By the time you find what you are looking for it turns out that's not on sale. Then without any definite plan of what we need we start looking around at the sale racks that maybe there is something useful.

When you look at the sale sign really close, like with a jeweler's loupe, you'll see the small writing that says "Up To"
the percentage advertised. Try to find one for the highest percent indicated.

We went to a Factory Outlet Mall this past weekend. In that mall we visited a famous name upscale fashion shoe store. My wife happens to like that brand and wears many of their shoes.

They were advertising 50% off marked price. After looking at several of the displayed shoes we came to the conclusion that they raised their prices before offering the 50% reduction.

Many stores including Macy's and Lord & Taylor advertise large reductions but when you read the fine print it always says "From Original Price". This original price is inflated and by the time you finish with the calculation you realize it's not even worth it.

I am also convinced that they throw garbage to the selling floors figuring people will be blinded by the humongous sales and will not see the inferior quality they are buying.

We live in New York City but if we don't have to we don't shop within the City. The sales people are rude, not helpful and not knowledgeable about their products. Except maybe at hi-tech stores.
On the other hand when you go out to the country like Long Island you find the sales staff a lot more pleasant to deal with.

I think the guy who makes the most money is the one who paints the "& UP" sign everywhere. Go to any 99 Cent Store and you'll see that on the sign it always says "& UP". Another come on to get you to come in and leave your money there.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10, 2009

Yesterday the world celebrated the twenty year coming down of the Berlin Wall. November 9, 1989 was when Berlin started to be united. The world's governments were ecstatic about this. This was the beginning to the end of the Soviet Union. Shortly after this regimes in the former Soviet Block countries started to fall and new democratic governments took their places.

The West was salivating. Here were previously untapped riches. It was like the California Gold Rush in 1848. The corporations, businesses couldn't get
there fast enough. It was also like after World War II when the major powers took their shares of the spoils in people, talents and business.

But not everything stayed as rosy as they hoped for.

The Soviet Union broke up, I think in 1988. Hungary changed its non-soviet government in 1989. And all other "brother" countries shortly after that. That's when trouble started. All nationalities that lived in "brotherly togetherness" decided that they hated each other viciously. Enough to kill, enough to go to war over it. This is what happened in the former Yugoslavia, Albania and in some of the former Soviet Republics. All ancient hatreds came to surface.

If nothing else the old communist rulers at least kept the peace internally.

Economically things weren't much better. When the old regimes changed they decided to privatize previously nationalized businesses. The ones close to the fire got the best deals. In every former socialist country the practically stole the country. They bought up businesses for fractions of their values and either sold them to western investors for much higher price or themselves became unimaginably wealthy.

Why is it that in today's Russia, which was under communist rule since 1917 and every business was nationalized, today there are more billionaires than any one place in the world? Because they stole their own country blind. And this happened in Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania and everywhere else.

In most of these countries there is a smithering of middle class. And, they are suffering while trying to make a decent living. While the upper class prospers the lower class grows. There is out of proportionate unemployment. Unemployment benefits are mainly unknown while dispossessing people is not uncommon.

Oh, I forgot to mention that now that the Gold Rush is over the West packed up and left.

Neo-Nazi crimes, anti-Semitic insults and anti-Israeli sentiment are on the rise. There is a skepticism in the general population about if is this any better than what they had before. What they had was peace, work, job security, lower prices, no money. But nobody had any money so there was equality!

What they didn't have than was the freedom to travel. Now, that they belong to the European Union and part of the free world they have the right to travel wherever they want to and get jobs wherever they can.

But in the old days the selected few could travel then, too. Now it is still the selected few who can afford it.

The Western governments are only interested in having countries they can count on with votes, military assistance and whatever they need. They are really not concerned with how the general population feel or how they live.

Neo-nazism, anti-Semitism, racist discriminations against minorities are internal problems they don't want to know about. The fact that there is widespread unemployment or poverty is non of their concern.

Major corporations close factories and move to another country at the drop of a hat thereby creating an entire layer of people who are totally incapable of finding work.

Now, I ask again, why is this any better than before?

I am not a communist, I am totally against what it did to the world. But I see how those people live now versus how they lived before and question why is it better now than it was then.

Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9, 2009

Here is a question.

I go to a diner, order an omelet, any kind of omelet, with egg white. Why does it cost about $2 more if it is made with egg white only?

As far as I know, the chef/cook cracks the egg(s) throws away the yolk and uses the whites only. They can use the yolks to make egg cream or whatever else. Why do I have to pay $2 extra for this item?

I don't think these are specially designed, more expensive eggs that have the whites!

Just another way we are being ripped off in everyday life.

In Europe I came across restaurants, not too many though where at the end of the meal they ask you how many slices of bread you ate, because they charge by the slice.

Wiener schnitzel is a breaded cutlet preferably made from veal. And it's really good.

Due to the high cost of veal many places make this thing from pork. If it is made really good you can't tell the difference. And because of this the restaurants don't advertise what meat is being used.

In Vienna some restaurants have large signs outside advertising the "real" Wiener Schnitzel from veal.

In New York I was in a restaurant where a woman ordered this and shortly after starting to eat she inquired of what meat was being used. Once being told by the reluctant waitress she was really very upset. She was from Israel and she was kosher. And, pork is anything but kosher. She said she had never in her life ate pork (at least not knowingly) and naturally she sent her plate back.

Another ripoff.

Why does a $39.99 per month cell phone costs about $50 by the time the monthly bill arrives? It is because of the taxes, various surcharges and the Federal Universal Service Fund that are slapped on to it at the end.

Now that we have this beautiful 40" HD television set we are making the most of it. But here comes the ripoff.

We are paying for the cable service, for the remote control, for the converter, for DTV, for a Basic Service before getting the Standard Service (or the other way around).

It just doesn't sound too right.

Now, the biggie!

Why is everything priced to $xx9.99?

Merchants probably think the buyers are so stupid that they only look at the first one or two or three numbers and don't see the end of the price tag. Therefore, an item that is $3,999.99 can be easily advertised as under $4,000. That's beside the point that by the time it's paid for taxes add on to it another $300 or so.

Whatever happened to $34.63, went out of style?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 8, 2209

I don't like dancing. I was never good at it and never really liked it. I can't tell a rumba from a samba or a waltz from a foxtrot from a polka. The rock and roll was like a pre-qualifying test to the Barnum & Bailey circus, the twist was probably a chiropractor's dream.

By the time I would have learned a dance it went out of style and nobody danced it anymore.

When I was 18 years old my Mother had me sign up with a small dance school. That was fun.

At that time I had three main interests in life. Girls, girls and girls. The way I was thinking if the first two don't work out I can always fall back on the last one. At that age I took life very seriously!

So, I started to go to this dance school. It was filled with kids, boys and girls, of my generation. Nobody really wanted to learn to dance but all the boys wanted to touch the girls.

The elderly gentleman who was the owner/teacher was very strict. If we danced too close he warned us, if we danced too far from each other he admonished us. But in spite of all these difficulties I learned to dance.

Well, calling it dance is stretching it a little bit. I was able to hold any girl and kind of gyrate to the music in a very crowded dance floor. But that was enough to improve my social life.

My friends and I used to go to school dances and night clubs where the dance floors were more crowded than any self respecting sardine can. Ooh, life was good!

Today I can and love to dance with my wife and my wife alone. I hate to dance with anybody else. It is probably because she knows what I know and puts up with it. Someone else might not be so accommodating.

I like to see people who can dance nicely and in unison. On the other hand I hate to see people making fools of themselves on the dance floor. If they want to flirt or show off for each other, do it in private. Don't bore others with it.

To me the West Coast swing and the East Coast swing or the Austrian waltz and the American waltz are all the same. Don't bore me with technical details.


While we are talking about dancing here is an observation about Dancing With The Stars.

Having this show running for nine seasons it is getting very boring and predictable.
I can understand the so called stars, most of whom are without work exposing themselves for ridicule for the guaranteed $300K. But please, to show the world how untalented they are just not worth watching it.

Why not to have show where the pros fight it out between themselves. They are much more talented and better looking than their pupils. I realize that the show is a money maker for the network but can it not be made any more interesting?

When the stars dance I bet no one is watching them but everybody is looking at the accompanying pros. The guys are slim and good looking and the girls are just beyond plain words.

Is there anything wrong for wanting a TV show that is pleasant to watch?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

November 7, 2009

This is just an afterthought after yesterday's little thing about diets.

As I said I am Hungarian. I left Hungary in early 1957 just after the 1956 Revolution. Most of the Hungarians who left the country escaped towards Austria. Being a Western country they all felt safer there, away from grasps of the Soviets.

I agonized too long about leaving and by the time I decided, at my cousin's prodding, Austria was out of the question. The border was heavily guarded by the Russians.

The authorities thought nobody in his right mind would go towards Yugoslavia. That was a communist country so why would people who are running away from communism would go that way.

Well, I went toward the south and that happened to be Yugoslavia. Even though good old Josip Broz Tito was a communist he wasn't in love with the Soviets and we were kind of grudgingly accepted. They weren't too thrilled with us but never turned us back to Hungarians.

There were a several hundred thousand refugees there and I for one stayed for nine months before was allowed to enter the US. Nine months! I could have been reborn and now I would be 20 years younger.

Since we were not very acceptable politically we were kept in refugee camps with very limited free movement.

We were fed, clothed by the Red Cross, helped by religious organizations and by far removed relatives who were searched out at this time.

The food was camp food. Very limited menu. One day beans the other day cabbage. And bread with everything.

I have to tell you, I love beans in every shape and form. At the same time I hate cabbage with a vengeance.

So, every other day, on bean day, I was in seventh heaven. While everybody was complaining about the food I was at the opinion that being a countryless refugee with an uncertain future isn't so bad at all.

For nine months I ate this heavenly (crappy) food and nothing ever happened. Was not undernourished, my cholesterol didn't go up, my sugar was normal. I got chickenpox but that was for a different reason.

Today's dietary authorities would have had a conniption if they were there reviewing what we ate.

But lo and behold, we all survived, none of us got fat and we all grew up to be fairly good people.

And I still love beans!

Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6, 2009

Today I want to say something about the dirtiest word in the dictionary.

And, it happens to be DIET!

This word has two meanings.

One is
, a formal deliberative assembly called Diet in Japan and Germany and some other European countries.

The other is more serious meaning: not eating the food you really like is called Torture or in other word Diet.

Everybody diets in this world. You turn on the TV or radio and all you hear is what not to eat and how everything we really like will eventually will kill us.

I grew up in Europe. I loved my Mother's cooking. I thought it was the best there was in this world. Well, I still think that way.

I had breakfast at home, something about mid-morning in school, a hot lunch around 2 o'clock, something lite around 5 o'clock then dinner when my Father got home from work.

Never lacked for food. And, I was never fat or even slightly overweight. Nobody ever talked about giving up your favorite foods because they may cause, diabetes, obesity, heart problems, liver problems, skin problems, dandruff or anything else.

O.k. I came from Hungary where pastry rules, besides good wine. The per-capita pastry consumption there probably exceeds the rest of the world combined. But no one ever said to eat lo-fat, sugar-free cakes or any other kind of pastry. That would probably be sacrilegious.

I grew up, my parents and grandparents grew up, my friends grew up and everybody was happy. Well, as far as our stomachs were concerned.

There were days when my Mother made something that I loathed to eat but had no choice. Thinking back it was only because I was a spoiled brat.

Until today I still love good Hungarian food even though I am totally used to the American kitchen.

In 2000 my cousin/best friend and I went to Budapest for two weeks sans wives. It was meant to be a nostalgic retracing of our youthful escapades. Well, besides that it turned out to be a two week eating orgy. We ate in the morning we ate at noon, we ate dinners. And in between if there was a pastry shop along our "retracing" we stopped there for a 'little pick me up'.

Curiously, neither of us gained a pound. It was because we walked hours on end throughout our old neighborhoods.

But man, it was fantastic!

That's all a fond memory now.

At this time I am on a strict diet. Not that I mind but it is necessary. I'm not working anymore, I'm at home a lot so it is inevitable that a person gains weight. That's what I want to prevent at any price.

My wife cooks very well. And very healthy, too. She's watching my diet like a hawk. I know that she knows more about these things than I do because I'm a weakling when it comes to food so I trust her implicitly.

My cousin loves to eat. Being the same age as I am he is in the same boat. Watching his weight. I remember that years ago in the pre-diet era he loved to stuff himself with stuffed cabbage. I mean good Hungarian stuffed cabbage. And, always got sick from it afterward. But when it was over he always said it was worth it.

Everyday they come out with something that will eventually kill us. I always thought diet soda was nothing but colored water. Now, the are saying the stuff in that is harmful also. This is in addition to everything else that is already harmful to us.

We should check out what goats live on because I have never ever saw a fat goat.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5, 2009

Just a little postscript to yesterday's political outburst of mine.

I saw on the news today that GOP leaders are trying to determine the trend of Tuesdays results. There is no trend!

People are sick and tired of being taken advantage of by corrupt and self serving politicians.

The short of it is: lower taxes, provide more work, provide healthcare, regulate the financial system and lower prices across the board.

Whoever can achieve this gets the job. It doesn't matter if he is a republican or a democrat or independent or anything else.

Stop looking at trends and start looking at how to help the situation. Because as it is, it ain't working!

Just remember: if you are not the lead dog the view never changes!

Now, one of my favorite subjects: unemployment.

Being an unemployed retiree I'm kind of familiar with the situation.

No matter what anybody says there is no work out there!

The media and the politicians are dealing with statistics. But we are not statistics, we are individuals with individual problems. If you are over qualified that is the problem, if you are under qualified that is the problem, if you are higher in age that is the problem. If you are white that's bad, if you are black that's bad, if you are in between that's not too good either.

Discrimination is rampant in today's job market. I don't care that it is against the law, everybody is doing it. There are a thousand and one ways an employer can refuse a prospective applicant without breaking any laws.

It is my opinion that if an employer reduced his workforce by whatever percentage and he continues to stay in business and function, the hopes are slim to none that he will ever rehire the people he terminated. It's just not good business to spend more on payroll than it is absolutely necessary. And life is being run by the profitability of businesses.

I remember that years ago the company I worked for was owned by a major American corporation. One time we had an employee meeting with the president of our division. They being the new owners, a lot of people were asking all kinds of questions primarily about the changes the company was implementing. Actually, the questions were aimed at the negative changes.

The president told us point blank that the company's first responsibility is to the stockholders. We, the employees come in second, or maybe third. That was a kind of kick below the belt. Totally unexpected, but the raw truth.

That is the sorry situation that governs our life today.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4, 2009

The opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone. All previous blogs as well as the future ones represent my opinions and the way I see the world from the Bottom.

Today is the day after Election Day. Monday morning quarterbacking commenced in a national scale! All the professional political analysts came out and explained why happened whatever happened.

Why couldn't they tell us what's going to happen before the event. Explaining after the fact is easy. Forecasting takes knowledge and know-how.

Here are a few of my comments.

Two republican gubernatorial wins a new era it doesn't make!

All it indicates the voters thought they had two lousy governors and they wanted change. That's all, the voters spoke.

When Jesse Ventura won the Minnesota gubernatorial race in 1998 as an Independent it didn't mean an independent era was starting. All it meant that state had two lousy candidates and the voters spoke.

So, I think the republicans should stop salivating their time isn't here, yet.

When I came to this country I asked my uncle if he was a democrat or a republican. He said neither. He told me he always voted against the incumbent because change is good and that is how improvements can be made.

Mike Bloomberg won the New York City mayoral race. He is a republican. But if he were a gay, transvestite, communist he would have still won. He bought the election. He poured money in like it was going out of style. He proved the point that only the wealthy can ever succeed in the political arena.

The winner of the New Jersey governor's race is a republican. The way I see it he didn't win the race, the other guy lost it. Corizine was a lousy governor who was disliked by the voters. Oh yes, he is a democrat.

The way I see it the republicans don't care about the working people, the democrats say that they do, except once they are elected they all forget where they came from and who put them there. Politicians only interest is to put their names in the history books and to make as much money as possible from their positions in the afterlife.

The trouble is that a poor person is really exposed to financial temptation and looses his vision. A rich person is above all financial temptation but has the "let them eat cake" attitude.

So, the Bottom line is that we are screwed either way.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3, 2009

There was a news item on the 6 o'clock news tonight. The item dealt with overweight children. It featured some kid who works out with a personal trainer.

The family lived in Scarsdale, New York.

To put an item on the news at time like these indicates that the TV stations lack any feeling and sensitivity.

First, Scarsdale, New York is a very affluent community north of New York City. According to census figures the median income there is $89,907.

Second, in today's economy who but the upper crust can afford the kind of expense a personal trainer would cost.

People are fighting to stay afloat, to avoid layoffs, to avoid foreclosures and the television station airs an article about hiring personal trainers for overweight kids.

Actually this was on WCBS Channel 2 today.

I think their excuse is that in 10% unemployment there is 90% employment. So, people work, spend money and some, would you believe, even make money from other people's miseries.

I can just see poor Juan Gonzales, who just lost his factory job, to go out and hire a personal trainer for his overweight son for approximately $65/hour.

I think his solution will be the effect of the economy: they will go hungry!

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2, 2009

On September 11, 2001, I was at work. At that time my office was at 2 World Trade Center, on the 91st floor.

I was just finishing my morning coffee when I looked out the window, which looked North, and saw the other building blow up. At the time I had no idea what happened. My first impression was that it was a construction accident and there was some kind of a gas explosion.

Anyway, we evacuated the office in a matter of minutes and headed downstairs. In every emergency training they tell you not to take the elevator but walk down. Well, I took the elevator and got down safely.

Unfortunately, several of my colleagues who were slow to evacuate and stayed behind lost their lives.

Once downstairs I was heading uptown. On the street I met a few of my co-workers and we walked together. We were already a safe distance away when the two buildings collapsed. Our office was in the rubbles.

This day was Tuesday. We stayed home for the rest of the week but on the following week we started to get our act together and started to work in other locations.

The company offered counseling service to us the survivors, but not too many employees took advantage of it.

As tragic as it was, we wanted to put this behind us and go on with our lives. Not to forget it but not to dwell on it either.

Everybody in my office have pictures of the people we lost. We remembered them every day, but life went on.

I know that firemen and policemen lost their lives on that tragic day as well as all the innocent people who just went to work and their only misfortune was that they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now, here is my commentary about the situation today.

I am writing about this because the news in New York is full of a new Navy ship named USS New York that arrived here today. Her claim to fame is that there is seven tons of steel in her structure that came from the World Trade Center.

I am sick and tired of the WTC stories that are being controlled by some families who lost their loved ones. These families don't want life to go on.

Second World War was over in Europe in 1945. Eight years later, in 1953 Europe was rebuilt. No one was forcing the issue of memorials to the people who died there. Nobody held annual memorials where they read the names of the six million jews who were killed. People wanted to remember but at the same time wanted to go on with their lives.

Here, eight years later they still can't get the three or four buildings finalized because of constant arguments about disturbing certain areas where there might be remains.

It is a shame that people lost loved ones but please, let it go! I know families who lost their loved ones and they resent all this hullabaloo. They want to mourn in private and they want to go on with their lives.

Another thing bugging me is the constant talk about the heroes. Well, without any doubt the firemen and the police were heroes. They were the professional ones. There were countless nameless amateur heroes but nobody talks about them.

I guess the policemen/firemen lobby is stronger than the amateur lobby. The problem I have with this hero worship, is that to be a policemen or firemen is a very dangerous profession. When they go off to work they all expect to go home to their families at the end of the day. They don't deserve to die but it is not unexpected in their line of work.

But tragedies do happen. More to these people than to innocent office workers whose biggest "tragedy" during any work day would be if their computer conks out and they could not e-mail their friends.

I think it is time to stop this state of bereavement and let life go on as it should.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1, 2009

Today was the day for the New York City Marathon. It is 26.22 miles running through the five boroughs of New York. Television covers it from beginning to the end and it is quite interesting. Not only the informative coverage but the New York scenery both make it pleasant to watch.

Many years ago there were only a few thousand participants. Today there were 43,000. The participants' list is growing by leaps and bounds. When the winners cross the finish line there are people who are still crossing on the Verrazano Bridge from Staten Island to Brooklyn.

The women's race was very exciting since the Brit Paula Radcliff was leading almost until the last few miles when everything changed and a 37 year old Ethiopian woman won the race. The Americans were nowhere to be seen.

The men's race was a little more stable. It was won by an American in 2:09:15. This was the first time that an American won since 1982 so he is understandably deserves all the credit.

Except that he is American by naturalization. He is as American as I am. Not born and bred in the US but permitted to move here so the Americans can have a world class athlete in a sport where they don't have any.

I am not against naturalizing people. I was naturalized and I am proud to be an American. But to say that finally an American won is kind of stretching it. It is like naturalizing Pele or David Beckham and saying we finally have a world class soccer player.

What this country needs is homegrown talent and not ones bought for Dollar.

Now I have another observation.

At the beginning the races it was announced that they would start the elite group of women and men in that order.

Now the word elite according to the Oxford Dictionary means "a group of people regarded as the best in a particular society or organization". I don't argue with this. But to me the word "elite" also means outstanding and exemplary.

I don't see why those 18 or 20 runners from each group were the exemplary ones. Granted, they are the best marathoners in the world but hey, they do this for a living. Just as I did engineering for a living or a dishwasher does his work for a living. These runners get paid and paid well to run.

To me the elite and exemplary were the 43,000 runners who ran for their own reasons.

May that be for charity or for personal satisfaction but most of them completed the course. The exemplary are the handicapped ones who did it on wheelchairs or with the assistance of the Achilles Club. And at the end didn't get thousands of dollars prize money but only the respect of their friends and family for finishing something humongous.

These are the 43,000 stars that should shine.